

Toshiba Selected by Singapore Post to Supply Automated Mail System

发布时间:2013-05-02 11:02


Toshiba Corporation (TOKYO:6502) and Toshiba Asia Pacific Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Toshiba Corporation today announced that Toshiba Asia Pacific Ltd., has been awarded a contract to supply Singapore Post with a completely integrated postal automation system that can sort and cancel letters and packets and recognize addresses and barcodes on mail. Installation of the equipment in the system will start in March 2014 and the companies plan to complete the replacement process by the end of October, 2014.

Toshiba is an industry leader in the development of automated postal systems, a status underlined by Singapore Post's award of an about 3.6 billion yen contract for a completely integrated system, following a tender exercise. The system will be installed in Singapore Post's central sorting office, the heart of the country's mail system. This most recent award follows Toshiba's success in winning a contract from Post Serbia in January this year.

"We are delighted that Singapore Post will adopt our equipment and system," said Mr. Takehiko Miyashita, Vice President of Toshiba's Social Infrastructure Systems Company. "At Toshiba, we draw on over 40 years of experience in supplying letter handling machines, and our systems support high speed processing and high accuracy address reading rates. We offer solutions that are cost-effective and ergonomically designed. They deliver low noise levels, low power consumption and low life-cycle costs."

In advanced economies, postal services are differentiating themselves from courier services by installing high performance systems that reduce delivery times and costs. In growing economies, there is increasing demand for upgraded system and total solutions, from equipment supply through to operation. Going forward Toshiba aims to achieve sales of 20 billion yen in fiscal year of 2015 by providing systems that meet the needs of clients around the world.


Overview of the Contract



Singapore Post Ltd.



Culler Facer Canceller, OCR Letter Sorting Machine, Delivery Barcode Sorter, Flat Sorter, Packet Sorter, Tray Handling System, consolidated OCR, Management Information System.



For further information on Toshiba's automate postal equipment, please visit:




Toshiba Corporation
Toru Ohara, +81-3-3457-2105
Fax: +81-3-5444-9202

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