

ABeam Consulting Receives SAP(R) APJ Regional Partner Excellence Award 2014 in the category "Services"

发布时间:2014-01-30 10:22

Award Presented at SAP Field Kick-Off Meeting Singapore


ABeam Consulting today announced it is the recipient of a SAP Regional Partner Excellence Award 2014 in the category “Services.” Awards were presented by SAP (NYSE:SAP) to the top-performing SAP alliance partners in the APJ region that have made outstanding contributions that impact overall SAP sales and pipeline-generation goals. ABeam Consulting received its award during the SAP Field Kick-Off Meeting Singapore (SAP FKOM Singapore), held in Jan. 13-15.

“ABeam and SAP have a long and successful history of collaboration to deliver innovative solutions that help streamline and enhance clients’ business operations in SAP environments.” said Shunichi Takamine, Principal and Leader of Alliance Program, ABeam Consulting. “This award reflects how well the two companies have collaborated to achieve tangible business outcomes. Through our strong collaboration and innovation, we will continue to provide advanced and high value-added services to our clients in Asia Pacific Japan Region.”

Selected from SAP’s wide-ranging Asia Pacific Japan alliance partner base, nominations for the SAP APJ Regional Partner Excellence Awards were based on internal SAP sales data. A steering committee composed of regional and global SAP representatives determined winning alliance partners in each category according to numerous criteria such as sales achievement and performance. Awards were presented in a variety of categories, including overall sales, innovation, technology, services and solution-specific areas.

“SAP congratulates ABeam Consulting as the recipient of the SAP APJ Regional Partner Excellence Award 2014 for Services,” said Anthony McMahon, senior vice president, Ecosystem and Channels, SAP APJ. “Alliance partners extend our ability to bring SAP innovation to more customers and add their proven solutions to serve our customers in the region. Together with ABeam Consulting, we are helping customers transform their business and delivering the innovation that fuels revenue and growth.”

ABeam Consulting has a strong partnership with SAP for more than 30 years and has been providing SAP consulting services to achieve our clients’ business transformation. ABeam Consulting provides high value-added services through extensive experience in various industries, unique methodology and templates developed based on our accumulated know-how. More than 2,000 SAP-certified consultants have accumulated numerous achievements of implementing SAP projects globally. ABeam Consulting’s SAP business has been growing year after year, especially with Japanese clients which are expanding their business globally.

SAP FKOM Singapore is an annual gathering of SAP executives, SAP field employees and alliance partners. It is SAP’s largest yearly sales meeting, intended to drive success during the upcoming year. Colleagues across the region gathered in Singapore to gain and exchange updated information on SAP’s strategy, sales methodology, best practices, business growth opportunities and product innovations. This year’s SAP FKOM Singapore hosted over 3,000 attendees from the region.

About ABeam Consulting

ABeam Consulting provides business transformation services that create strategic advantage, improve business processes, leverage technology innovation, and enhance organizational performance for leading multinational and domestic companies worldwide. ABeam partners with clients to diagnose and solve their real challenges with solutions that combine industry and operational best practices with technical expertise. Pragmatic approaches ensure that clients gain measurable value more quickly. Headquartered in Tokyo, ABeam’s 4,000 professionals serve more than 700 clients throughout Asia, the Americas and Europe. For more information, please visit http://www.abeam.com

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