

Shiseido Focuses on Langerhans Cells to Strengthen Skin Immunity

发布时间:2014-03-19 14:20


Shiseido Co., Ltd. (TOKYO:4911) has long focused its research on skin immunity as an important means of maintaining skin’s health, and protecting it from external and internal stressors that can lead to dermatologic problems. Through this research, Shiseido discovered that one function of skin immunity, the self-protection function that sedates the stimuli response factors of Langerhans cells,1 is important to maintaining skin homeostasis and that this function declines with age.

Shiseido has developed a multiple component2 that effectively combines three ingredients, including β-glucan, to target the Langerhans cells and help recover their self-protection function. Shiseido has applied for a patent for this technology in nine countries, including Japan. Furthermore, with a prototype serum incorporating this multiple component, Shiseido proved for the first time that the skin’s self-protection function can be recovered.

Shiseido is currently planning to engage in R&D for the launch of a skincare product applying these research results.

Shiseido has been researching skin immunity for more than 20 years. This includes collaborative research with the Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Cutaneous Biology Research Center in Boston, Massachusetts, an internationally recognized3 dermatological research institute.

For more information, please visit: http://www.shiseido.co.jp/releimg/2272-e.pdf

  1. This is a dendritic cell that is created in the bone marrow, and exists in the prickle cell layer of the epidermis. It constitutes 2-5% of the total cell count of the epidermis. It was named after Paul Langerhans, the medical scientist who discovered it in 1886.
  2. A multiple component of β鈥恎lucan, aquainpool (an original ingredient developed by Shiseido) and Bulgaria rose water. β鈥恎lucan itself is effective in enhancing the immunity of Langerhans cells, but we have discovered that the effect can be further enhanced by combining it with other elements, creating a multiple component. We have created this combination, and we have applied for patent.
  3. CRBC, MGH/Harvard Cutaneous Biology Research Center is a dermatological research institute which was founded with major support from Shiseido in 1989 at Massachusetts General Hospital, the largest teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School. Shiseido has sent many researchers to the CBRC to engage in collaborative research with scientists.

Photos/Multimedia Gallery Available: http://www.businesswire.com/multimedia/home/20140318006765/en/



Tatsuyoshi Endo, +81-3-3572-5111
PR department

Shiseido focuses on Langerhans cells, cross-sectional view of epidermis showing the location of Langerhans cells (Photo: Business Wire)

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