

A New Era Comes When Diabetes Can Be Treated Basically Using Cells of Pancreas

发布时间:2014-12-10 10:00

- For the first time in the world, STC Life succeeded in differentiating pluripotent stem cells without side effects into beta-cells of pancreas

SEOUL, South Korea--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- STC Stem Cell Treatment & Research Institute (www.stcstri.com) of STC Life Co., Ltd. (Chairman: Kye Ho Lee) succeeded in differentiating new pluripotent stem cells without side effect into beta-cells that control insulin in pancreas, after conducting research projects for several years. These new pluripotent stem cells can be differentiated into any tissues or organs without adverse effects.

Scientists at STC Stem Cell Treatment & Research Institute firstly created new pluripotent stem cells with no adverse effects and induced them to differentiate into beta-cells, and they identified their change into beta-cells 7 days thereafter. Then they identified the generation of intact beta-cells by tracing insulin genes that typically appear in beta-cells.

Along with success in differentiation of beta-cells, they also succeeded in differentiating into multiple cells in a short span of time. The research team led by Dr. Lee Sang-Yeon said that they generated beta-cells in these processes for the first time in the world.

The research outcome is expected to be immediately applied to treating diabetes as it shows no adverse effects with outstanding safety.

“With development of technology that can successfully differentiate STC pluripotent stem cells without side effects into beta-cells of pancreas, physicians now can treat basic cause of diseases rather than simply mitigating symptoms,” said Kye Ho Lee, Chairman of STC Life. “As we developed natural substances-based pluripotent stem cells (We refer to as STC EPN : Elicited pluripotent stem cell from natural compound) and technology of differentiating diverse cells using such stem cells, after successfully differentiating beta-cells for nerves, cartilages, liver, bone, fat and pancreas, we will be able to lead the world stem cell market. We will grow as the world’s top life science company by developing cell therapies with leading technologies.”

Established in 1989, STC Life is a life science company that concentrates on R&D of stem cells resources, genes related to controlling active oxygen in body (p62), life sciences, and energy water for agriculture.

STC Life developed Pluripotent stem cell without side effects, the first of its kind in the world, and it obtained a total of 58 patents in Korea and other countries, including 17 patents related with STC Pluripotent stem cells. It is also a therapy-oriented life science company that is treating incurable diseases and down-aging using mesenchymal stem cells at 97.7 B&H Clinic.

With the mission of realizing vision and dream of bringing disease-free healthy life to people and extending lifespan while creating the world with no poverty, STC Life will continuously develop new technologies to shape for the better future.




STC Life Co., Ltd.
Minsun Oh, +82 2 3438 0653


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