

Alt Inc. Welcomes JSAI President as Its Tech Advisor

发布时间:2015-04-21 10:05


Alt Inc. (CEO: Kazutaka Yonekura; headquarters: Koto-ku, Tokyo) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Hitoshi Matsubara, president of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI), as its technology adviser.

Dr. Matsubara will guide Alt Inc.’s research and development of the world’s first Personal Artificial Intelligence (P.A.I.), in the name of al+ (pronounced as “altz”).

Dr. Matsubara is well-known as a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence in Japan. The wealth of experience and knowledge in the discipline he will bring to the company’s development team is expected to strengthen its artificial intelligence technology and engineering capabilities.

Profile of Dr. Hitoshi Matsubara

  • Graduated from Tokyo University’s Graduate School of Information Technology and Science in 1986.
  • Joined the Electrotechnical Laboratory, Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, in 1986.
  • Obtained Ph.D. from Tokyo University in March 1986.
  • The first recipient of the Computer Shogi Association (CSA) Award.
  • Recipient of CSA Author Award.
  • Served as secretary and chair of the Game Informatics Research Group, the Information Processing Society of Japan.
  • Served as chair and executive director, the RoboCup Japanese National Committee.
  • Currently professor, School of Systems Information Science, Future University Hakodate, and president of the Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence.

Background of the appointment

In recent years artificial intelligence has been attracting much attention in a number of areas. Gartner Research projects that the artificial intelligence industry will grow to 4.8 trillion yen by 2027. Alt Inc. is aiming to become the frontrunner in this field in Asia, and one of its strategies is to actively seek out knowledge and expertise in and out of the company. Dr. Matsubara will provide advice on the development of artificial intelligence and related products based on his advanced expertise in the field. Alt Inc. hopes to advance its technologies and accelerate the project development, thus pushing forward to a world where artificial intelligence works for better communities.

What is al+?

al+ is a P.A.I. application that acquires and learns the user’s thinking patterns through its linkage to a broad range of SNS (Social Network System) and applications the user regularly utilizes. al+ thus generates a virtual copy of the user’s personality on the application. al+ has three engines offering three levels of artificial intelligence and integrates these different intelligences to produce more flexible and human-like cognitive functions.

It also features macro analytical monitoring of the collective behavior of al+ users at all times, and independently learns from that virtual community of users those thought patterns which can’t be gleaned from a single user. As the number of users grows, the improvement in the precision of its community thinking will accelerate, and this will, in turn, improve the accuracy of learning the cognitive workings of individual users.

Alt Inc.’s goal is to apply these features of al+ to fully realize the re-creation of individual user personalities through P.A.I.

About Alt Inc.

WEB: http://alt.ai/
Contact: info@alt.ai
Message from CEO: http://alt.ai/ceomessage.html

Photos/Multimedia Gallery Available: http://www.businesswire.com/multimedia/home/20150420005057/en/



Inquiries about this release
Alt Inc.
Alt America
Satomi Kai, +1 415-621-9380
Alt Japan
Satomi Kai, 03-6380-7076

Main screen of personal artificial intelligence app al+ (Graphic: Business Wire)

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