

TNS Provides Pan-Asian Telecommunications Network for Global Payments

发布时间:2015-06-23 12:09


TNS, a leading global provider of data communications and interoperability solutions, is providing a Pan-Asian telecommunications network for Global Payments, a leading worldwide provider of payment technology services.

The best-in-class network, which utilises TNS’ Dial and TNSConnect technologies, delivers a single, seamless solution which harmonises the payments infrastructure across the diverse range of countries and telecommunications environments. The high speed TNS solution offers flexible routing and a range of connectivity options to help simplify operations which carry multiple types of transaction traffic. It is adaptable and scalable, allowing users to cost-effectively expand and enter new markets as opportunities arise.

Lisa Shipley, Executive Vice President and Managing Director of TNS’ Payment Network Solutions, said: “Asia is an important growth area providing us with a strong position in rapidly evolving emerging markets. We are delighted to provide our highly available, resilient and secure network technology for Global Payments in Asia, where we are ideally placed to help organisations that need pan-regional support.”

Guido Sacchi, Chief Information Officer at Global Payments, added: “We have had a long-standing relationship with TNS because of their extensive global reach and ability to handle the many different protocols and methods used across the Asia Pacific region. By using TNS, we have achieved a standardised, PCI DSS solution that complies with local regulations in each market, meeting Global Payments’ business requirements and allowing us to maintain a high standard of service to our customers.”

TNS is also active in Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Australia and New Zealand, and offers 24x7x365 support from its global network operating centres.

With a strong payments heritage and more than 20 years of expertise, TNS now provides services in more than 60 countries across Europe, the Americas and the Asia Pacific regions. Through its broader payment solutions, TNS connects over a million merchants and retailers to the world’s leading banks, acquirers and processors, enabling secure, efficient and cost-effective delivery and processing of payments. For more information about TNS, please visit www.tnsi.com


About Transaction Network Services:

Transaction Network Services (TNS) is a leading global provider of data communications and interoperability solutions. TNS offers a broad range of networks and innovative value-added services which enable transactions and the exchange of information in diverse industries such as retail, banking, payment processing, telecommunications and the financial markets.

Founded in 1990 in the United States, TNS has designed and implemented multiple data networks which support a variety of widely accepted communications protocols and are designed to be scalable and accessible by multiple methods.

About Global Payments:

Global Payments Inc. (NYSE: GPN) is a leading worldwide provider of payment technology services that delivers innovative solutions driven by customer needs globally. Our partnerships, technologies and employee expertise enable us to provide a broad range of products and services that allow our customers to accept all payment types across a variety of distribution channels in many markets around the world.

Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia with more than 4,300 employees worldwide, Global Payments is a Fortune 1000 Company with merchants and partners in 29 countries throughout North America, Europe, the Asia-Pacific region and Brazil. For more information about Global Payments, our Service. Driven. Commerce brand and our technologies, please visit www.globalpaymentsinc.com.

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Clare Cockroft
PR Manager
T: +44 (0)114 292 0163
E: pr@tnsi.com
Jo Moorwood
Global Marketing Communications Director
T: +1 703 814 8065 

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