

ICON Launches Firecrest Patient Portal to Enhance Education around Informed Consent

发布时间:2015-06-23 15:48

New Firecrest Patient Portal, part of ICONIK Informatics Hub, designed to enhance patient engagement and support patient recruitment and retention.


ICON plc, (NASDAQ: ICLR) a global provider of drug development solutions and services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries, today announced the launch of the Firecrest Patient Portal. This portal enables patients to view clinical trial information and is specifically designed to enhance the patients understanding of treatment before consenting to participate at an investigator site.

The Patient Portal solution is a component of ICON’s new informatics hub designed to enhance the engagement of patient populations in the development process and is line with ICH E6 guidance, which recommends patients receive ‘ample time’ to review consent materials and ask follow-up questions.

“The opportunity for education about the trial, before a face-to-face meeting with their doctor, helps patients make truly informed decisions about participation,” said Frances Abeton, Vice President, Firecrest at ICON plc. “Improved patient comprehension of a trial can reflect positively in patients’ relationships with investigators and subsequently lead to better recruitment and retention rates. As drug developers begin adopting electronic informed consent platforms improved regulatory-compliant education will be crucial. The Firecrest Patient Portal is a centralised solution for patients, investigators and study staff, making it easier for all involved to interact and stay informed.” said Abeton.

Patients using the Firecrest Patient Portal can find active trials, complete pre-screening questionnaires and select a convenient study location. As the Patient Portal is integrated with ICON’s Firecrest Investigator Portal, investigators can engage directly with patients that have shown interest, schedule visits, and examine live analytics about the materials reviewed by a patient. Patients can read visit-by-visit guides and as the trial progresses, patients can return to the portal to review updates or notifications specific to them. They will also be able to register interest in future clinical trials that will support patient access for upcoming trials.

The Firecrest Patient Portal can be customised in any language, adapted to country specific requirements, and branded as required by sponsors.

Request a demonstration of Firecrest Patient Portal and learn more about ICON’s Firecrest solution at www.iconplc.com/technology/firecrest.

About ICON plc

ICON plc is a global provider of drug development solutions and services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries. The company specialises in the strategic development, management and analysis of programs that support clinical development - from compound selection to Phase I-IV clinical studies. With headquarters in Dublin, Ireland, ICON currently, operates from 81 locations in 38 countries and has approximately 11,200 employees. Further information is available at www.iconplc.com.

More information about ICON’s Firecrest solutions is available at: www.iconplc.com/technology/firecrest/.


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ICON Media Contact
Rosie Ireland
Weber Shandwick
Tel: +44 (0) 207 067 0190
Email: rireland@webershandwick.com

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