

SES Demonstrates Cloud-Based Solution Delivering Real Time ISR Data between Headquarters and 4G Mobile Devices via O3b Satellites

发布时间:2015-07-03 09:50

Netcentric solution usable with any smartphone paves the way for an increased use of mobile devices for field-deployed units


Global satellite bandwidth provider SES Government Solutions (SES GS) unveiled a comprehensive Netcentric communications solution for field-deployed units during a demonstration for U.S. Government customers last month. By combining O3b’s satellite broadband connectivity and RIVA Network’s field deployable 4G nanoLTE solution, the SES solution delivers real-time High Definition (HD) video feeds and imagery files stored in the Cloud to individual members of remote field teams. The same link also allows those deployed teams to collect and send raw sensor and video data back to off-site data analysis and command centers.

“The U.S. Government can now integrate smartphones into remote field operations and create a mobile workforce without facing any delays in communication and with full connectivity all the way back to U.S.-based analysts and decision-makers,” said President and CEO of SES GS Pete Hoene. “We are proud to be poised and ready to support a global, mobile network for our customers with this capability.”

During the demonstration, U.S. Government customers were able to use mobile phones and tablets outside of Wi-Fi range and transport real-time video through the LTE bubble and stream the footage without delay over O3b satellites back to a cloud server located in Ashburn, VA. This setup allows for high bandwidth and broadband IP communications which include standard and HD video, ultra HD video, voice and teleconferencing. This mission-critical technology is compatible with any smartphone and paves the way for an increased use of mobile devices for military operations. In essence each soldier, sailor, airman and marine can be a sensor providing vital information to deployed units through the O3b system.

The RIVA Network addition to this demonstration provided another key capability to support U.S. Government forces. The sphere of connectivity is scalable with multiple nanoLTE nodes and ranges up to 22 miles, depending on the exact network configuration. All RIVA components for this particular demonstration are easily transportable. The solutions featured in the demonstration are available on SES GS’s and RIVA Networks’ GSA Schedule. The demonstration was attended by over 50 U.S. Government guests and is the third consecutive successful demonstration of SES GS applications leveraging O3b’s high throughput and low latency capabilities.

About SES Government Solutions

SES Government Solutions, a subsidiary of global satellite operator SES, is exclusively focused on meeting the satellite communications needs of the U.S. Government. Leveraging more than four decades of experience in the government SATCOM market, SES Government Solutions offers robust and secure satellite-based communications solutions. Supported by SES’s fleet of over 50 satellites offering comprehensive global coverage, SES Government Solutions offers highly reliable fixed and on-the-move capacity. Further information can be found at www.ses-gs.com

About RIVA Networks

RIVA Networks designs and builds advanced wireless networks. A leader in secure wireless technology, RIVA Networks is uniquely capable of addressing the complex and dynamic Command, Control, Communication, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) requirements of Department of Defense transformation. RIVA’s nanoCELL networks are production proven stationary or man portable cellular systems currently deployed with over 200 customers in the Government and Enterprise sectors. The Company’s flagship product, the nanoLTE, was specifically developed to deliver high speed data, capable of HD audio/video, to meet the objectives of transformational communication systems. Further information can be found at www.riva-networks.com/

About O3b Networks Limited

O3b Networks Limited is a global satellite service provider building a next-generation satellite network for telecommunications operators, Internet service providers, enterprise and government customers in emerging markets.The O3b system will combine the global reach of satellite with the speed of a fiber‐optic network providing billions of consumers and businesses in nearly 180 countries with low‐cost, high‐speed, low latency Internet and mobile connectivity. O3b Networks’ investors include SES, Google, Liberty Global, HSBC Principal Investments, Northbridge Venture Partners, Allen & Company, Development Bank of Southern Africa, Sofina, Satya Capital and Luxempart. O3b Networks is headquartered in St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands.

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For further information please contact:
Natalia Kossobokova
+1 703 610 0928
Marketing & Communications Director
SES Government Solutions

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