

Murex Partners with DTCC’s Omgeo to Enhance Post-Trade Operations Offering

发布时间:2015-07-23 10:15


Murex, the leading provider of integrated trading, risk, collateral and processing solutions, announced today a strategic partnership with Omgeo, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) and the global standard for institutional post-trade efficiency. With real-time certified connectivity to Omgeo Central Trade ManagerSM (Omgeo CTM), the Murex MX.3 platform provides increased automation and straight through processing (STP).

Buy- and sell-side clients will benefit from a single platform to support their investment process, seamlessly integrated from the order management system (OMS) to post-trade operations and settlement, including exceptions management with brokers directly from a centralized end-user dashboard.

Simon Powell, Regional Manager of Global Partners at DTCC’s Omgeo, said: "In today's risk adverse global markets, the minimization of operational risk and the associated time and cost savings are critical factors for instilling confidence in operational processes and capabilities, and the community as a whole. Partnering with Murex allows our mutual clients to easily realize the benefits of Omgeo CTM through a streamlined post-trade environment. With Murex, many additional asset managers, banks and brokers are benefiting from increased efficiencies."

Randa Saghieh, Head of the Operations & Finance Solution at Murex, said: "Murex puts a lot of focus on assisting clients in reducing operational risks and costs leveraging our integrated front-to-back risk platform. The certification of the Omgeo CTM interface further streamlines operational processes in line with the market standards."

About Omgeo
Formed in 2001, Omgeo automates trade lifecycle events between investment managers, broker/dealers and custodian banks, enabling 6,500 clients and 80 technology partners in 52 countries around the world to seamlessly connect and interoperate. By automating and streamlining post-trade operations, Omgeo enables clients to accelerate the clearing and settlement of trades, and better manage and reduce their counterparty and credit risk. Omgeo’s strength lies within its global community and its ability to create solutions to enable clients to realize clear returns on their investment strategies, while responding to changing market and regulatory conditions. Across borders, asset classes, and trade lifecycles, Omgeo is the global standard for operational efficiency across the investment industry. Omgeo is a subsidiary of The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC). For more information, follow us on Twitter @Omgeo.

About DTCC
With over 40 years of experience, DTCC is the premier post-trade market infrastructure for the global financial services industry. From operating facilities, data centers and offices in 16 countries, DTCC, through its subsidiaries, automates, centralizes, and standardizes the post-trade processing of financial transactions, mitigating risk, increasing transparency and driving efficiency for thousands of broker/dealers, custodian banks and asset managers worldwide. User owned and industry governed, the firm simplifies the complexities of clearing, settlement, asset servicing, data management and information services across asset classes, bringing increased security and soundness to the financial markets. In 2014, DTCC’s subsidiaries processed securities transactions valued at approximately US$1.6 quadrillion. Its depository provides custody and asset servicing for securities issues from over 130 countries and territories valued at US$64 trillion. DTCC’s global trade repository maintains approximately 40 million open OTC positions and processes roughly 280 million messages a week. To learn more, please visit www.dtcc.com or follow us on Twitter @The_DTCC.

About Murex
Since its creation in 1986, Murex has played a key role in proposing effective technology as a catalyst for growth and innovation in capital markets, through the design and implementation of integrated trading, portfolio management, risk management, processing and post-trade platforms.
Driven by innovation, Murex’s MX.3 Front-to-Back-to-Risk platform leverages the firm’s collective experience and expertise, accumulated through its strategic client partnerships, to offer an unrivalled asset class coverage and best-of-breed business solutions at every step of the financial trade lifecycle.
Clients worldwide benefit from the MX.3 platform’s modular set of business solutions, specifically designed to solve the multi-faceted challenges of a transforming financial industry, while relying on the strength of 2,000 dedicated specialists. To learn more, please visit https://www.murex.com/ or follow us on Twitter @Murex_Group.


View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20150722005609/en/



Mireille Adebiyi, +33144053200
Murex Global Marketing Communications Manager

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