

Murex MX.3 Product Innovation: Bringing Risk Governance up to Speed with New Market Paradigms

发布时间:2015-07-24 10:56


MUREX SAS (“Murex”), the leading provider of integrated trading, risk, and back-office solutions, is pleased to introduce the new version of MX.3 for Limit Control, a robust and comprehensive framework, offering firm-wide exposure and limit management across multiple trading and banking systems and real-time pre-deal limit checking capabilities.

While new regulations continue to emerge, and flash crashes and market contagion events continue to be a concern for capital market stability, technology has a central role to play in the setting up of sound risk management practices.

Alexandre Bon, Head of the Risk Control division at Murex, comments: MX.3 for Limit Control has become central to our clients’ core global limits infrastructures where it improves the quality of strategic risk decisions by offering online exposure aggregation, immediate identification of risk concentrations and limit excesses, accelerated analysis and issue resolution.”

Murex has built up a solid track record with over 150 institutions using MX.3 for Limit Control to ensure the effective governance of an overall risk policy within the framework required for real-time decision making. The company continues to respond to market changes by offering added functional and technological capabilities to financial institutions seeking to reinforce their credit, market and liquidity risk management infrastructure.
This new version delivers enriched limit management and pre-deal limit checking, new features for credit approval and excess workflows, limit aggregation and limit compliance. Major enhancements have been brought to the ergonomics, scalability and performance of all limit features, resulting in simpler tools and lower costs of operation.

Since 2008, the vote of confidence of market practitioners repeatedly designating the MX.3 for Limit Control solution as the Number 1 limit checking product in Risk Magazine’s Technology Rankings is both an acknowledgement of and an impetus to Murex’s continuous commitment to supporting the industry through the challenges of risk control and regulatory compliance.

About Murex

Since its creation in 1986, Murex has played a key role in proposing effective technology as a catalyst for growth and innovation in capital markets, through the design and implementation of integrated trading, portfolio management, risk management, processing and post-trade platforms.
Driven by innovation, Murex’s MX.3 Front-to-Back-to-Risk platform leverages the firm’s collective experience and expertise, accumulated through its strategic client partnerships, to offer an unrivalled asset class coverage and best-of-breed business solutions at every step of the financial trade lifecycle.
Clients worldwide benefit from the MX.3 platform’s modular set of business solutions, specifically designed to solve the multi-faceted challenges of a transforming financial industry, while relying on the strength of 2,000 dedicated specialists.

To stay up-to-date with Murex Announcements, follow us on Linked In and Twitter @Murex_Group.

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Mireille Adebiyi, +33144053200
Murex Global Marketing Communications Manager


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