

ESC launches new concept for driving innovation in cardiovascular research with exclusive support from Boehringer Ingelheim

发布时间:2015-08-31 09:56


  • Four grants will be awarded to independent research projects, focused on improving patient outcomes in thromboembolic diseases
  • Grant programme reflects commitment of Boehringer Ingelheim and the ESC to advancing cardiovascular medicine
  • Applications are open from today; ESC Scientific Committee to select grant winners after live presentations by finalists in December 2015


The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) today announced the launch of the competitive medical research programme ‘ESC Grants for Medical Research Innovation’, exclusively supported by an independent grant from Boehringer Ingelheim. The programme aims to support research into areas of medical need in cardiovascular medicine. Four grants of up to €400,000 each will be awarded to researchers or clinicians following live presentations by selected finalists to a panel of high profile experts appointed by the ESC.

“We are really excited to support the ESC in launching this unique peer challenge grant concept. We believe this will stimulate exciting new research with the ultimate ambition of improving the lives of patients”, said Professor Jörg Kreuzer, Vice President Medicine, Therapeutic Area Cardiovascular, Boehringer Ingelheim. “We are encouraging clinicians and researchers to submit their proposals to the ESC.”

“This grant project is a reflection of the ESC’s commitment to encouraging new and innovative research aimed at improving patient outcomes in thromboembolic disease – a leading cause of mortality worldwide,” said Professor Francesco Cosentino, the chair of the programme’s scientific committee. “It is estimated that one in four people die as a result of thromboembolic disease, which causes abnormal blood clotting, and more research into this disorder is urgently needed. We are excited about this initiative because it is a great opportunity to perform important studies aiming to a better understanding of novel therapeutic strategies in this setting. We are now ready to receive applications from around the world for these prestigious grants - until the November 1st deadline - and look forward to announcing the four winners at European Heart House on December 1st following live presentations by all finalists.”

The ESC Grants for Medical Research Innovation website, which includes details about the research categories, applicant eligibility and information about how to submit an entry for the peer challenge, is accessible from today via: www.escardio.org/innovationgrants.

The application deadline is 1 November 2015 and projects awarded funding will be announced in December 2015.


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