

AEG Power Solutions to Show UPS Innovation at Datacenter Dynamics Converged South East Asia, Singapore

发布时间:2015-09-14 10:01


  • New version of Protect Blue flexible UPS designed for data centers
  • MoniUPS remote monitoring system


Converged South East Asia
15th-16th September 2015

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20150911005274/en/

AEG Power Solutions (FWB:3W9K), a global provider of power electronic systems and solutions for industrial power supplies and renewable energy applications, will be showing its latest UPS products at Datacenter Dynamics’ Converged South East Asia event in Singapore, on 15th and 16th September.

At the event, AEG PS will be displaying the enhanced version of Protect Blue UPS system, Protect Blue which is designed specifically for large data centers, and is well-suited to cloud and hybrid IT. Protect Blue offers protection of 250 kW to 4 MW, with its modular architecture providing up to sixteen 250kW power blocks in parallel, and AEG PS’ customer-centric approach can deliver highly customized solutions for any requirement.
This confirms the unique position of this solution for data centers on the market. In addition, Protect Blue in its new version has been granted the ETL UK certification.

Protect Blue uses full three-level IGBT technology for rectifier and inverter in both directions, which delivers up to 96% double conversion efficiency. This high efficiency and the power quality of the output lead to 41% energy cost savings, which significantly reduces total cost of ownership (TCO), saving money for data center operators.

AEG PS will also be showing its innovative MoniUPS remote monitoring system and associated platform of services. Based on an Internet of Things (IoT) platform and cloud technology, MoniUPS maximizes the availability of UPS systems, optimizes management, and helps reduce operating costs for mission critical power systems.

MoniUPS is part of a complete service offer from AEG PS, and is available with different service level agreements from basic to advanced, including a full 24x7 response if required. It provides regular reports, and enables AEG PS service experts to remotely acquire data, such as energy consumption. MoniUPS improves preventative maintenance, and provides fast resolution of any issues identified.

“Protect Blue delivers the efficiency, flexibility and low operating costs demanded by data center operators around the world,” says Alessandro Nalbone, Product Manager at AEG Power Solutions. “MoniUPS is the perfect partner: ensuring reliable operation, and minimizing downtime.”

Organized by DatacenterDynamics, Converged South East Asia is the largest regional data center event in Asia Pacific. It takes place at the Marina Bay Sands Singapore, as part of Singapore Data Center Week, and features 90 speakers across 80 sessions.

Note to editors: if you would like to arrange a meeting with AEG Power Solutions at Converged South East Asia, please contact: Karina Kho, Karina.kho@aegps.com, +65 684 65 746

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About AEG Power Solutions
AEG Power Solutions (AEG PS) Group is a global provider of power electronics systems and solutions for all industrial and demanding commercial power requirements offering one of the most comprehensive product and service portfolios in the area of uninterruptible power supply and power management.

Thanks to its distinctive expertise bridging both AC and DC power technologies and spanning the worlds of both conventional and renewable energy, the company creates innovative solutions for next generation distributed power generation.

AEG Power Solutions Group is the sole subsidiary of the holding company 3W Power S.A. (WKN A114Z9) / ISINLU1072910919), based in Luxembourg. The Group is headquartered in Zwanenburg in the Netherlands. The shares of 3W Power are admitted to trading on Frankfurt Stock Exchange (ticker symbol: 3W9K).

For more information, visit www.aegps.com.

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For further information, please contact:
Claire Pairault, Mobile: +33 6 19 60 91 64
Corporate Communications
AEG Power Solutions
Email: claire.pairault@aegps.com
Contact for Editors
Anja-Maria Hastenrath, Phone +49 (0)89 / 64913634-11
Cell +49 (0)171 1959330
embedded PR

Protect Blue, AEG Power Solutions flagship UPS for data centers (Photo: Business Wire)

UPS remote monitoring system: MoniUPS by AEG Power Solutions (Photo: Business Wire)

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