

Russell Reynolds Associates Launches The Center for Leadership Insight to Address the Most Vexing Boardroom Challenges

发布时间:2016-02-24 10:13


Russell Reynolds Associates, a leading executive search firm, today announced the launch of The Center for Leadership Insight, which has been created to examine and address critical leadership issues facing boards and the C-suite today. The Center is the culmination of decades of experience working in the boardroom and capturing data from assessing leaders in top organizations globally. This data combined with findings generated through innovative research methodologies will now be delivered as unique insights to the market.

Russell Reynolds Associates’ Dean T. Stamoulis, Ph. D., who has more than two decades of global executive assessment and development experience, will lead The Center for Leadership Insight.

“The launch of the Center demonstrates our commitment to providing our clients with tools and perspectives that help them anticipate and prepare for what’s next, right now,” stated Clarke Murphy, chief executive officer of Russell Reynolds Associates. “As an industry veteran, accomplished author on leadership topics and trusted advisor to F500 boards and chief executive officers, Dean is uniquely positioned to lead The Center as we seek to provide answers to the most challenging boardroom issues,” added Murphy.

The Center for Leadership Insight will address a variety of topics, including how boards and the C-suite will change due to generational shifts, as well as the underlying issues driving Boards’ view of the business world. These insights will be generated through new approaches such as the use of the firm’s proprietary psychometric data of thousands of senior-level executives at top global firms; partnership with a leading futurist firm; and the development of future leadership archetypes.

“As boards face daunting new challenges such as increased M&A, activist investors, regulatory concerns and digital transformation, The Center will bring the latest senior leadership issues to the forefront, with comprehensive and relevant insights,” added Dean T. Stamoulis. “We will combine rigorous research with our exceptional experience in delivering unparalleled content to boards and the C-suite globally.”

In March, The Center will be releasing its first insight report, “Inside the Mind of the Chief Executive Officer,” which will bring more robust data and science to the hallmark psychological characteristics of successful CEOs.

Following this report and over the next year, The Center will be discussing issues such as new and emerging C-suite roles, the changing landscape of diversity and digital knowledge needs on boards, the leadership skills needed for the next generation management team and more.

Dean T. Stamoulis, The Center for Leadership Insight

Dean Stamoulis leads the firm's Center for Leadership Insight. He provides guidance to boards and chief executive officers about how to build excellent leadership teams. This advisory work includes optimizing hiring, promotion, and succession decisions, and contributing to the development of promising senior executives. He is based in Atlanta.

Dean's book, Senior Executive Assessment: A Key to Responsible Corporate Governance, provides distinctive insight into how to detect strengths and areas of risk in senior-level leaders. Dean's thinking about how executives can excel in today's dynamic markets was also included in Ram Charan's recent book, The Attacker's Advantage: Turning Uncertainty into Breakthrough Opportunities. He consults across all major industries, including sports. His counsel to National Football League teams was featured in War Room: The Legacy of Bill Belichick and the Art of Building the Perfect Team. His points of view about leadership trends and solutions can be found in the business press as well.

About Russell Reynolds Associates

Russell Reynolds Associates is a global leader in assessment, recruitment and succession planning for boards of directors, chief executive officers and key roles within the C-suite. With more than 370 consultants in 46 offices around the world, we work closely with public, private and nonprofit organizations across all industries and regions. We help our clients build teams of transformational leaders who can meet today’s challenges and anticipate the digital, economic, environmental and political trends that are reshaping the global business environment.

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Russell Reynolds Associates
Vijaya Singh, 212-351-1987

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