

Dimension Data Snaps up Five Global Awards at Cisco Partner Summit San Diego

发布时间:2016-03-03 09:58


Dimension Data announced today that the Group has been awarded five Cisco® Partner Summit Global awards for its Americas, UK, Australia, and Asia Pacific and Japan (APJ) operations. Dimension Data notched up a further 23 awards that includes 4 geographic region awards, 18 theatre awards and a Marketing Velocity award. This brings to 28 the number of Cisco awards that Dimension Data scooped at a reception held during Cisco’s annual partner conference taking place this week in San Diego, California.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160302006238/en/

Awarded to exemplary channel partners, the Cisco Partner Summit Global awards are designed to recognize best-in-class business practices and serve as a model to the industry. Areas of consideration include innovative practices, architecture-led approach successes, strategic business outcome-focused programs, seizing new opportunities and sales approaches.

“It gives me great pleasure to recognise the bold and innovative accomplishments of our partners who have demonstrated the power of capturing market trends to provide even greater value to our customers,” said Wendy Bahr, senior vice president, Global Partner Organisation, Cisco. “I am honoured to recognise Dimension Data for its outstanding achievements in leading customers to discover how making technology a business differentiator leads to the ultimate benefits.”

Brett Dawson, Dimension Data’s Group CEO said: “Being awarded five global Cisco awards comes hot on the heels of last week’s announcement that Dimension Data and Cisco have celebrated a milestone 25-year partnership. In a fast-moving world where the consumption of technology is changing the face of how organisations operate, Cisco has consistently remained at the forefront of the industry. I’m extremely proud of our joint achievements and successes. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Cisco to accelerate the ambitions of our clients.”

Cisco Partner Summit Global awards reflect the top-performing partners within specific technology markets across all geographical regions. All award recipients are selected by a group of Cisco Global Partner Organization and regional executives.


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For further information
Dimension Data plc
Hilary King, Cell: +27 82 414 9623
Global PR Manager

Brett Dawson, Group CEO, Dimension Data says in the fast-moving world where the consumption of technology is changing the face of how organisations operate

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