

Edwards Launches New Vacuum Pumps for Semiconductor and Flat Panel Manufacturing at SEMICON® China 2016

发布时间:2016-03-15 16:53

Visit Edwards at SEMICON® China to learn how to reduce environmental impact and cut costs by taking advantage of government incentives.


Edwards, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of integrated vacuum and abatement solutions, announced the availability of two new vacuum pump product families at SEMICON® China: the iXM Series for semiconductor etch and chemical vapour deposition (CVD) applications, and the iXL900R for fast pump down of large flat panel display (FPD) loadlock chambers.

“Edwards is committed to reducing carbon emissions and energy consumption. Both of these new product families help our customers reduce the environmental impact of their manufacturing operations, while also helping them to reduce costs,” states Paul Rawlings, Vice President Marketing, Semiconductor and DSL Business, Edwards.

The new iXM Series of dry pumps reduces environmental impact and customer costs for etch and CVD processes, allowing them to run their latest processes with the lowest energy consumption and at the lowest ambient noise level. The pumps are designed to deliver increased lifetime when used for highly corrosive etch processes. They also offer a significantly lower footprint compared to other pumps on the market.

The iXL900R is the fastest loadlock pump currently available in its class for FPD loadlock applications. Customers can significantly reduce their operating costs and installation times with this new pump, which is particularly well suited to the largest loadlock chambers used for plasma vapour deposition (PVD) applications. In addition, customers will need fewer pumps per loadlock chamber, which reduces installation time, systemisation costs, maintenance and utilities consumption.

“We are proud to offer our customers new solutions that help them reduce their energy use. By some estimates, as much as 40 percent of energy used in a semiconductor factory is consumed by vacuum pumps, so even a minor reduction in this area can have a significant effect on total energy consumption,” states Ma Zhen, Edwards’ China-based Applications Manager. “Our latest vacuum pumps offer improvements in overall energy efficiency and savings from a unique idle mode that reduces energy usage when full power is not required.”

Zhen adds, “Currently China’s government-sponsored incentives provide manufacturers with an opportunity to upgrade their capability and reduce energy consumption with minimal investment. One customer recently replaced 200 pumps under the program, achieving a total energy savings of 7,000 Kwh per day.”

For further information about Edwards’ products and services, please visit www.edwardsvacuum.com, or visit Edwards at SEMICON China, booth N1 1008.

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Michelle Zhang
+86 152-2100-3688
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Sandy Fewkes
+1 408-224-4024

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