

Allianz Worldwide Care Launches Security and Risk Services for Global Employers

发布时间:2016-04-18 16:34


Allianz Worldwide Care has announced the launch of security and risk management services for multinationals. The corporate assistance solution has been designed to cater for companies with a globally-mobile base of employees and organisations that operate in high-risk or unstable areas.

The new services include a wide range of tools that offer detailed country risk assessments, pinpoint the geographic location of employees during a crisis, organise ‘meet and greet’ and ‘check-in’ security services when travelling in high-risk locations, and provide detailed cultural awareness programmes.

Alexis Obligi, Director of Sales and Marketing at Allianz Worldwide Care, said: “These services are designed to meet the needs of global organisations for whom it’s impossible to predict when and where a crisis might occur. With the ever-present threat of natural disaster, civil unrest or terrorist activity, real-time information about potential risks has never been more important. Our service enhancements are designed to give our clients a comprehensive range of solutions to ensure the safety and well-being of their workers.”

The security features of the service have been reinforced through a new partnership with red24, a global leader in crisis and risk management. Through this partnership, Allianz offers clients access to a global network of expert security specialists, providing real-time destination risk reports and analysis. This gives organisations a comprehensive overview of the security risks involved when moving or travelling to potentially volatile locations, with full support from a 24/7 emergency assistance team.

The new services reflect the proactive approach Allianz takes to corporate assistance, and involves working closely with clients, including looking at the travel protocols they have in place, reviewing their crisis management plans, ensuring an organisation has comprehensive oversight of employee safety and well-being whilst abroad, and awareness of what support is in place in the event of a medical, travel or security emergency.

Alexis Obligi said: “The newly enhanced services are designed to help organisations pre-emptively mitigate security risks to their business, their employees and their families, wherever they are in the world. Our full range of corporate assistance and risk management solutions includes a fully integrated health, travel, security, occupational health and employee assistance programme.”

Allianz Corporate Assistance Services are supported by multi-lingual, 24/7 emergency support and on-the-ground assistance. Clients are offered the flexibility to select the services and support they require.

About Allianz Worldwide Care

Allianz Worldwide Care is the international health and life insurance division of Allianz Worldwide Partners which serves more than 250 million beneficiaries in 34 countries and is part of the Allianz Group. Allianz Worldwide Care provides insurance solutions for health, life and disability to clients and insurance partners on a global scale. Our focus is on earning and maintaining client loyalty by providing a market leading product range, level of service and support. With a client base that includes many of the Fortune Global 500 companies, Allianz Worldwide Care continues to build a reputation for service excellence in international healthcare. www.allianzworldwidecare.com

About red24

red24 is a crisis management assistance company delivering a range of products and services to businesses, organisations and individuals around the world. red24 has an unparalleled reputation for assisting clients in minimising risks to their personnel, operations and profitability.

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Rachel Sherry (Grayling on behalf of Allianz Worldwide Care)
T 087 6622111
George Eddy (Grayling on behalf of Allianz Worldwide Care)
T +44 (0) 207 932 1885

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