

MetLife Hong Kong Joins Hands with HKUST for the Second Annual Business Amazing Race

发布时间:2016-05-25 15:58

Donating to the Hong Kong Neuro-Muscular Disease Association


MetLife Hong Kong*, a wholly-owned subsidiary of MetLife, Inc., the #1 U.S. life insurer^, joined hands with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (“HKUST”) to hold the second annual Hong Kong Business Amazing Race (“Amazing Race”) on May 8, 2016, raising funds for the Hong Kong Neuro-Muscular Disease Association (“HKNMDA”).

Mr. Lennard Yong, Chief Executive Officer of MetLife Hong Kong, said, “It's been another successful year for the Hong Kong Business Amazing Race, and another milestone for Hong Kong's business community. All of us at MetLife Hong Kong are extremely proud to partner with HKUST on this initiative, which ultimately serves to remind us all that we work and live better through collaboration and diversity of ideas."

In line with its continuous commitment to giving back to the Hong Kong community, one of MetLife Hong Kong’s Agency teams, MF Group, made a HK$100,000 donation to the HKNMDA, in addition to the donation raised from the Amazing Race.

As the Amazing Race co-host and title sponsor, MetLife Hong Kong seeks to raise awareness about the impact Diversity and Inclusion has on business success and foster an appreciation for Hong Kong's unique collection of historic, commercial and natural treasures.

This year's Amazing Race brought together around 200 participants to form over 40 teams. Race participants included MetLife Hong Kong staff, agents, and business partners, MetLife Facebook fans, full-time and part-time HKUST MBA students. Starting at the beautiful HKUST campus in Clear Water Bay, participants used public transport or journeyed by foot to complete challenges scattered across locations such as Po Lam, Kowloon Bay, Diamond Hill, Tsim Sha Tsui Clock Tower, Star Ferry, Grand Post Office, and the Hopewell Centre.

For the final challenge, which took place in MetLife Hong Kong's customer service center at the Hopewell Centre, the first and second teams were locked in a tight race to the finish line.

The winning team of MetLife Facebook fans ousted the runner-up HKUST MBA team by just one minute.

"Hong Kong's thriving business environment has empowered dreams from aspiring entrepreneurs to seasoned executives and will continue to be an authoritative global hub of commerce and innovation for the years to come. We are thrilled about co-hosting and sponsoring an event that cherishes Hong Kong's commercial spirit. Congratulations to this year's Amazing Race winners and all participating teams, we are already looking forward to next year," said Mr. Yong.

About MetLife

MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), through its subsidiaries and affiliates (“MetLife”), is one of the largest life insurance companies in the world#. Founded in 1868, MetLife is a global provider of life insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management. Serving approximately 100 million customers, MetLife has operations in nearly 50 countries and holds leading market positions in the United States, Japan, Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. For more information about MetLife Hong Kong, visit www.metlife.com.hk.

* MetLife Limited and Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of Hong Kong Limited (collectively “MetLife Hong Kong”) are wholly-owned subsidiaries of MetLife, Inc. in Hong Kong and private companies limited by shares incorporated and registered under the applicable laws in Hong Kong. Both MetLife Limited and Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of Hong Kong Limited are authorized insurers carrying long term business in Hong Kong.

^ Based on 2015 written premiums. Source: Axco Global Statistics 2016.

# Based on non-banking assets according to A.M. Best research 2012 data, Best’s Review July 2014.

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MetLife Hong Kong
Sunshine Farzan, (852) 2199-1821
Raey Choi, (852) 2199-1826

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