

Westinghouse Celebrates World Environment Day and National Low-Carbon Day with Conservation Scheme in Green Neighbourhood Liangcheng, Shanghai

发布时间:2016-06-07 10:13


Westinghouse Electric Company ran an environmental volunteer programme on Sunday with the theme of environmental protection to coincide with The World Environment Day and The National Low-Carbon Day.

Global nuclear energy technology leader Westinghouse, in partnership with the Liangcheng Xincun neighborhood, marked the day by area residents to participate in conservation activities including learning how to protect endangered plant species and a knowledge contest in hope of laying the foundations for future generations to ensure the preservation of the environment.

“We are committed to providing safe, clean and reliable electricity to homes and industries in China, and the goal of preserving or restoring land, air, water or biodiversity is more important now than ever. Employee voluntarism programmes such as today’s demonstrates our commitment to the Liangcheng community and its bright and green future,” said Raj Bhan, Westinghouse’s Operating Plants Business China operations general manager. “Westinghouse technology is at the forefront of two nuclear power plants currently under construction in Sanmen and Haiyang, and we are making crucial contributions to helping China meet its demand for an increasingly sustainable economy.”

Students in first through third grades took part in a number of team-building activities and competitions designed to raise awareness of the importance of a sustainable lifestyle. Westinghouse volunteers used tree plantings as a way to teach about conservation and endangered tree species, including Taxus chinensis.

In partnership with Liangshui sub district, this programme was also supported by Hongkou District Committee of the Communist Youth League, as well as the Shanghai International Energy Exchange Corporation and the Shanghai Municipal Nuclear Power Office. This environmental programme runs alongside other Westinghouse sponsored school focused programmes in Haiyang, which includes a “Dream Center” multimedia classroom provided by Westinghouse that aims to bring creative educational programmes to students, as well as enhancing training for teachers at the school.

To learn more about Westinghouse Electric Company and our vision to be the first to innovate the next technology, practice or solution that helps our customers generate safer, cleaner, more reliable energy visit www.westinghousenuclear.com.

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Westinghouse Electric Company
June Gong, +86 10 5735 3356
Deputy Corporation Communications Manager, China

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