

Backstop Solutions Group Announces APAC Expansion with Hong Kong Office and New Hire

发布时间:2016-07-26 10:16


Backstop Solutions Group, a leading provider of cloud-based solutions for the institutional investment community, today announced an expansion into the Asia-Pacific region with the opening of its sixth office and the hiring of seasoned industry professional Steve Au as Director of Institutional Sales – APAC.

Au brings more than 10 years of multicultural sales and management experience to Backstop, having a deep understanding of alternative investments, hedge fund and private equity technology and operational requirements. He previously spent time in senior sales and management positions for Charles River Development and Eze Software Group in the APAC region.

“We are thrilled to have Steve on board, as he brings an expert understanding of the Asia-Pacific investment management industry,” said Clint Coghill, CEO and Founder of Backstop. “As demand for high-quality operational infrastructure in the APAC region continues to grow we want to be well-positioned to serve these key markets during this time of transformational growth. Steve’s role in our new Hong Kong office is a cornerstone of this plan.”

During his years in the industry, Au has used his strong global and APAC relationships to gain extensive knowledge of front-to-back office needs, concerns and solutions for buy-side and wealth management firms. His broad experience in financial markets and complex sales processes and relationships make him a meaningful addition to Backstop’s client-serving leadership team.

The new office, located in Hong Kong, will allow Backstop to expand its offerings to the APAC region while tapping Au’s extensive expertise, continuing to empower the global institutional asset management community to make smart, creative business decisions.

“The firm’s new location in Hong Kong, which is a global financial hub growing every day, gives us a crucial foothold in the region to widen our existing suite of global offerings,” commented Au. “I am excited to lead this expansion, and am eager to see what it brings for Backstop in the future.”

Headquartered in Chicago, Backstop has existing offices in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Los Angeles and London. The new opening is part of Backstop’s continuing growth in the U.S., Europe and Asia. In December, the firm appointed Craig Rowland to drive growth in EMEA.

About Backstop Solutions Group

Backstop Solutions Group is a leading provider of cloud-based financial technology solutions for hedge funds, funds of funds, pensions, endowments, private equity firms, consultants and family offices. Founded in 2003, Backstop created the industry’s first web-based software that helps firms in the alternative investment management industry operate more efficiently, invest intelligently and communicate effectively. With offices across the United States and in Europe and Asia, Backstop now serves over 670 firms worldwide, making it one of the fastest growing software providers in the financial services industry. For more information, visit www.backstopsolutions.com. Follow us on Twitter @Backstop.

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Kevin Moogan, 917-765-8720

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