

FX Creations Patented Ergonomic Backpack for Children

发布时间:2016-08-09 14:02

The Very First Bouncing Backpack in Hong Kong


The heavy backpacks that children carry around have been a nightmare for worried parents and educators as they feel it could cause pain. There have been many ergonomic backpacks in the market that protect a child’s back, but they do not necessarily help in alleviating the feeling of heaviness. FX Creations product engineer and design team have finally created the third generation of the Anti Gravity System™ (AGS™) product – an Ergonomic Children Bouncing Backpack. As the user walks, the backpack bounces, thus stopping the straps from constantly pressing hard against the user’s shoulders. This bouncing technology slows down the rate of muscle fatigue, which makes the backpack feel lighter.

Space Walker Collection

Space Walker, the patented Ergonomic Backpack is made of nylon and polyester that imitates spacesuit materials. There are two sizes available: a small size for grade one to grade three students and a large size for grade four and up students. The collection comes in six different colors: blue, pink, purple, dark blue, space silver, and metallic orange.

AGS Ergonomic Children Backpack Features

  • Anti Gravity System

Ultrabounce is an extra-strength elastic cord used in Space Walker backpacks. As the user walks, a bouncing reaction is created by the elastic cord, making user feel less of the backpack’s load. The faster the user walks, the bounce reaction intensifies, making the load feel lighter. A test has shown that when using an AGS™ backpack, the pressure is better distributed on the feet which results in less energy being used when carrying an AGS™ backpack when compared to a regular backpack.* The extra-strength elastic cord is also capable of withstanding up to 150,000 mechanical pulls within 48 hours without any distortion.
*Based on an internal test conducted at a medical institute

  • Tri-breathe Back Support

The shoulder straps and the back paddings are made of Tri-breathe™ material which is highly breathable. The thick cushioning on the back forms a ridge in the middle specifically for the spine so it does not get pressed on. The ridge also provides ventilation which will help maintain a pleasant temperature for the user.

  • Removable Hip Belt

The hip belt helps stabilize the load around the hip. It is made of patented mesh material Tri-breathe™, which is shock absorbing and highly breathable. The hip belt is also removable, giving users a much needed flexibility for different occasions.

Patent and trademark number: 201610108348.1, 303262806, 303262789, 303354499, 303344480, 303354507, 303354462

About FX Creations

In 1993, a group of enthusiastic youth who were passionate in arts came together to bring genesis to a series of creative designs in the fast-paced city of Hong Kong. With their aim to "create unconventionally", they utilized their boundless imagination to create novelty bags. FX Creations considers every idea and every life experience in their products development. For decades, FX Creations constantly enriches their product in terms of quality, versatility, design and comfort. The goal is to enable daily carriers to experience comfort while maintaining an effortless and stylish look.

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FX Creations International Ltd.
April Cheng, 3653-3366

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