

Murex Announces IKB Deutsche Industriebank Has Successfully Upgraded Its MX.3 Platform

发布时间:2016-09-01 09:51


Murex, the leading provider of integrated trading, risk management and processing solutions, announces that IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG has gone live with an upgrade to the latest release of its MX.3 platform for its capital markets business. The new version gives the bank more advanced modelling capabilities and provides the flexibility and data quality for compliance with emerging regulations.

IKB, which specialises in financial services for medium-sized enterprises and private equity funds in Germany and Europe, has implemented MX.3 as a single integrated capital markets platform as part of a restructuring and cost reduction strategy. The platform supports all front office, risk management, back office and collateral management activities, as well as producing relevant accounting information.

The upgrade to the latest release of MX.3 provides the bank with more advanced analytics for modelling challenging economic and market factors, such as negative interest rates and high volatility, and includes an extended Hull-White one factor interest rate model and Murex' advanced volatility management framework. The new version also has the flexibility and data quality to support compliance with new and emerging regulations.

IKB and Murex leveraged the close working partnership they had already established to achieve a successful outcome for the upgrade project. Murex deployed its upgrade methodology that incorporates tried and tested project management methods and tools to ensure predictable costs and timelines for delivery. IKB used the MX.3 Testing solution to create an efficient and reliable testing regime.

“MX.3 Testing solution helped more than our previous testing tool because it is integrated with MX.3 and supported by Murex. I am from a functional department and I can use it with my team without the need for special IT support,” says Heinz Rast, Head of Treasury Operations Projects.

After the test automation phase, the upgrade took five months to complete and the bank went live on the new version of MX.3 in July 2016.

“We wanted a flexible platform for our treasury that would support all our trading and regulatory compliance requirements, while fulfilling our IT strategy to reduce complexity and costs. We now have a competitive state-of-the-art platform with a full STP integration,” says Peter Höges, Head of IT.

For more information on the Murex and IKB Deutsche Industriebank collaboration, download the case study available online.

About Murex

Since its creation in 1986, Murex has played a key role in proposing effective technology as a catalyst for growth and innovation in capital markets, through the design and implementation of integrated trading, portfolio management, risk management, processing and post-trade platforms.

Driven by innovation, Murex’s MX.3 Front-to-Back-to-Risk platform leverages the firm’s collective experience and expertise, accumulated through its strategic client partnerships, to offer an unrivalled asset class coverage and best-of-breed business solutions at every step of the financial trade lifecycle.

Clients worldwide benefit from the MX.3 platform’s modular set of business solutions, specifically designed to solve the multi-faceted challenges of a transforming financial industry, while relying on the strength of 2,000 dedicated specialists.

To stay up-to-date with Murex Announcements, follow us on Linked In and Twitter @Murex_Group.

Download the case study on Murex and IKB Deutsche Industriebank.

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Caroline Claudel, +33144053200
Marketing Operations Manager

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