

SAT>IP Alliance Continues to Drive Future of Satellite Content Distribution in Multiscreen Ecosystems

发布时间:2016-09-09 15:21

• SAT>IP Alliance founding members, leading satellite operators SES, EUTELSAT and HISPASAT and manufacturers Panasonic, NAGRA, and MaxLinear, are inviting additional manufacturers and broadcasters to join the SAT>IP Alliance

• SAT>IP technology makes it possible to distribute satellite TV services in an efficient way to any device connected to a domestic IP network


At IBC this year, SES and its SAT>IP Alliance partners EUTELSAT, HISPASAT, Panasonic, NAGRA and MaxLinear will hold a general assembly meeting to discuss the next steps of the Alliance that was created last year to market and develop compatible hardware and software for the SAT>IP technology.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160908006811/en/

The SAT>IP Alliance is a non-profit organisation in charge of setting forth SAT>IP-related strategic developments and creating working groups through its executive committee. The main aims of the Alliance have been to promote the use of the SAT>IP protocol throughout the industry, facilitate certification of new devices, and develop and improve the SAT>IP standard.

Over the past years, over 45 industry partners have supported the SAT>IP standard by developing more than 80 different products that are compatible with its requirements.

The innovative SAT>IP technology converts broadcast signals into IP at the reception point using a small server, which may be located in the satellite dish or in the user's home, and distributes the selected programmes to different IP devices such as tablets, smartphones and laptops. This technology makes it possible to provide high-quality broadcast content more efficiently to all the screens in a home, using pre-existing networks in the building. SAT>IP is currently a European standard (CENELEC EN50585) compatible with transmissions over satellite, terrestrial and cable networks.

The SAT>IP Alliance is an open forum for all manufacturers, satellite operators, broadcasters and service providers who wish to get involved in developing and improving a key standard for the future of broadcast content distribution in multiscreen ecosystems.

For more information on SAT>IP, please go to http://www.satip.info/

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View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160908006811/en/



SAT>IP Alliance
Jim Kappes
c/o MacLinear Inc.
1-760-517-1407 | 1-760-444-8598 Fax 

SAT>IP Alliance Continues to Drive Future of Satellite Content Distribution in Multiscreen Ecosystems (Graphic: Business Wire)

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