

IFMA-RICS Collaboration Unveils Unified Career Map to Unlock Career Prospects in Global Facilities Management Sector

发布时间:2016-10-05 17:42


  • Landmark IFMA-RICS collaboration delivers unprecedented professional support through career map
  • Career map set to unlock training, qualifications and professional development for FM professionals
  • Key element of the collaboration that seeks to drive professionals recognition in the FM sector

SAN DIEGO--()--A unified career map will be unveiled at the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) World Workplace conference* as a priority joint outputof the landmark global collaboration with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). By standardizing training courses, qualification requirements and certification levels internationally, the scope and potential of a career in Facilities Management (FM) is like never before.

“A unified FM industry, for example, means more opportunity to make sure smart buildings operate correctly, green technology actually works and innovative designs are useable”

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The new IFMA-RICS career map delivers unprecedented clarity and internationally-recognized authority on the required skills, training and experience necessary for all professional stages and goals. It is one of many resources coming out of the collaboration designed to accelerate career development and build recognition for FM professionals as strategic leaders in the built environment.

With the guidance and credibility of the first-ever unified career map, the careers of FM professionals are expected to advance further and faster across multiple global markets.

“A unified FM industry, for example, means more opportunity to make sure smart buildings operate correctly, green technology actually works and innovative designs are useable,” said Sean Tompkins, RICS Chief Executive Officer. “The united career map sets a course for FM professionals to internationally align on objectives, critical metrics and best practices which ultimately deepens their expertise and value to the built environment.”

The more than 25 million FM professionals in the world represent about US$1.12 trillion annually. Their role is to connect people, place, process and technology so that the buildings in their care operate as they should. For decades, FM professionals have been restrictively classified as tactical support due in large part to the lack of global uniformity in how the FM industry defined and measured itself.

“Shared global FM standards open a stronger, more marketable pathway for FM leaders,” said Tony Keane, President and CEO from IFMA. “By eliminating fragmentation, we are building a stronger, more impactful international FM community, unified by a common professional language, even when they speak different languages.”

The IFMA-RICS Collaboration, launched in April this year, is making ground-breaking strides in driving professional recognition in the FM sector. To learn more about the united career map and how it is energizing careers in FM, visit http://define.fm.

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About IFMA

IFMA is the world's largest and most widely recognized international association for facility management professionals, supporting 24,000 members in 104 countries. This diverse membership participates in focused component groups equipped to address their unique situations by region (133 chapters), industry (14 councils) and areas of interest (six communities). Together they manage more than 78 billion square feet of property and annually purchase more than US$526 billion in products and services. Formed in 1980, IFMA certifies professionals in facility management, conducts research, provides educational programs, content and resources, and produces World Workplace, the world's largest series of facility management conferences and expositions. To join and follow IFMA's social media outlets online, visit the association's LinkedInTwitterFacebookYouTube and Flickr pages. For more information, visit the IFMA press room or www.ifma.org.

About RICS

RICS is a global professional body. We accredit 125,000 professionals in 148 countries, promoting and enforcing the highest professional qualification and standards in the development and management of land, real estate, construction and infrastructure. Our name promises the consistent delivery of standards – bringing confidence to the markets we serve. The work of our professionals creates a safer world: we are proud of our profession’s reputation and we guard it fiercely. (See Global Media Contacts)

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ricssurveyors, Twitter: twitter.com/ricsnews, Linked In: www.linkedin.com/company/rics.


Esther Kam, +852-3159-2978


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