

INsight TV Joins SES Ultra HD Platform in North America

发布时间:2016-10-25 15:15

TV Entertainment Reality Network (TERN) expands the global reach of its Ultra HD channel INsight TV with North American launch on the SES-1 satellite


SES S.A. (Euronext Paris:SESG) (LuxX:SESG) today announced a strategic capacity and playout agreement with TERN to deliver the interactive Ultra HD (UHD) channel, INsight TV, to television platforms and audiences across North America. INsight TV is the latest in a series of channels to join SES’s 4K Ultra HD distribution neighbourhood aboard a trio of advanced satellites (SES-1, SES-3 and AMC-18) located at the centre of the orbital arc over the region.

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TERN launched its INsight TV Ultra HD and HD channels a year ago across Europe on SES satellites. The North American programming feed will originate from SES’s MX1 playout centre in Munich, Germany, where it will be fibered to SES’s teleport in Woodbine, Maryland. From there the feed will be combined with other UHD channels within SES’s North America UHD multiplex, uplinked to the SES-1 satellite and distributed to cable and broadcast distribution points throughout the US, Canada and region.

INsight TV features more than 200 hours of original fresh content across a unique lineup, a global factual entertainment channel with a passion for creating content that takes the viewer on an adventurous journey to explore and interact with stories. The range of programming will demonstrate the best of Ultra HD: from beautiful, vivid cinematography to high-speed action. This includes new original programme titles like Dracula: Escape The Castle, Power & …, Extraordinary Humans, Living Stone and many more to come.

“Our European launch of INsight TV with SES has been a huge success, and our content trials have certainly indicated that our unique programming concept will be equally popular with the introduction of our 24/7 channel across North America,” said Rian Bester, TERN CEO. “As the leader in global video distribution, SES has always been at the heart of our launch and growth plans for INsight TV.”

“Television viewers across North America are buying Ultra HD TVs at a record pace and increasingly asking for compelling UHD programming choices such as featured on INsight TV,” noted Steve Corda, Vice President of Business Development for SES in North America. “We are very excited to play such an integral role in TERN’s plans to reach new audiences around the world, as we help to accelerate the delivery of Ultra HD to homes throughout North America.”

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About SES

SES (Euronext Paris:SESG) (LuxX:SESG) is the world-leading satellite operator, with more than 50 geostationary satellites and, through its subsidiary O3b Networks, 12 medium Earth orbit satellites. Focusing on value-added, end-to-end solutions in four key market verticals (Video, Enterprise, Mobility and Government), SES provides satellite communications services to broadcasters, content and internet service providers, and mobile and fixed network operators, as well as business and governmental organisations worldwide. SES's fleet includes the ASTRA satellite system, which has the largest Direct-to-Home (DTH) reach in Europe. Through its ownership of O3b Networks, SES significantly enhances existing data capabilities, and is the first satellite provider to deliver a differentiated and scalable GEO-MEO offering worldwide. Another SES subsidiary, MX1, is a leading media service provider and offers a full suite of innovative digital video and media services.

Further information available at: www.ses.com

About INsight

INsight TV brings the next generation of television broadcasting. INsight TV is an inspiring UHD TV channel created for the millennial viewer who wants to watch real trending content told through incredible stories. Watchable, wherever and whenever the viewer wants. INsight is committed to pushing the boundaries of linear and non-linear broadcasting and brings first-class programs to viewers globally, all in Ultra HD. INsight commissions and broadcasts over 200 hours of brand new, original Ultra HD content per year. For more information: www.insight.tv or www.tern-international.tv

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For further information please contact:
Markus Payer
Corporate Communications
Tel. +352 710 725 500

INsight TV Joins SES Ultra HD Platform in North America (Photo: Business Wire)

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