

Ontology Systems Participates in TM Forum Lighter Logical Inventories Catalyst to Demonstrate New Approaches to Inventory for Service Assurance in Virtualised and Hybrid Networks

发布时间:2016-11-02 17:33


Ontology Systems, provider of service impact analysis and end-to-end dynamic network and service topology, today announced that it will be collaborating with Cognizant (www.cognizant.com) and EXFO (www.exfo.com), in the TM Forum’s Lighter Logical Inventories Catalyst project to explore how new approaches to inventory can be applied to virtualised and hybrid networks to provide better service assurance.

The Catalyst is championed by global communications service provider Verizon (www.verizon.com) and will demonstrate how next generation OSS tools can be used to combine data from many sources to create a real-time comprehensive model of a service and the elements it depends on. This model can then be combined with measurement and performance data to provide true end-to-end service assurance even when services are delivered by complex hybrid infrastructure.

As NFV and SDN make network infrastructure ever more dynamic, legacy approaches to network inventory are unable to provide the very complete end-to-end information required to truly assure services, requiring new technologies and new notions of the role of inventories.

"Legacy network inventories were designed to address the challenges of legacy networks", said Leo Zancani, Ontology Systems CTO, “but now networks are becoming much more dynamic, and CSP’s ability to evolve their infrastructure and services cannot be limited by the time to roll out new inventory functionality. Assurance functions do still need a reliable, up-to-date view of what’s involved in the delivery of a service though - so a lighter, more agile approach is essential.”

The Catalyst will show how Ontology Systems’ product, Intelligent 360 for Network Operators, uses graph-data and semantic modelling to provide an agile way to combine data from sources such as legacy OSS, network discovery, orchestrators, SDN controllers and virtualisation management to provide an understanding of how physical and virtual resources depend on each other to deliver a service.

To read more about Ontology’s product and solutions please visit our resource library www.ontology.com/resources

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About Ontology Systems

Ontology Systems uses graph-data and semantic modelling to create an end-to-end dynamic view of the network topology and services. This swift, low-risk, flexible approach delivers an up to date picture of difficult and fragmented network, OSS and BSS data.

Founded in 2006 and headquartered in London, UK, Ontology customers include Telenor, T-Mobile, BT, Level 3, Three UK, Vodacom, MBNL, BskyB, Vodafone, Neotel, Internet Solutions and Telkom SA.

For more information, visit www.ontology.com or follow @OntologySystems

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Ontology Systems
Jo Hicks
+44 (0) 207 239 4937 

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