

Finance Vice Minister Kiatchai Sophastienphong Suggests CLMVT Clearing House and ADR at Global Alliance Partners Investment Conference

发布时间:2016-11-22 10:39

BANGKOK--()--Finance Vice Minister Kiatchai Sophastienphong of Thailand was the keynote speaker at the Global Alliance Partners Investment Conference hosted by KT ZMICO Securities Company (KT ZMICO) on 18 November 2016. He encouraged the group of professional investors, fund managers, and brokers to pursue more cross-border investments within the ASEAN economies.

“In particular perhaps, your group can think about setting up a CLMVT Clearing House and ADR,” Vice Minister Sophastienphong suggested.

According to Mr. Bernard Pouliot, Chairman of Global Alliance Partners (GAP), “Global Alliance Partners has not only endeavored to deliver cross-border services in securities and futures trading, private equity, mergers and acquisitions, private placement, corporate advisory, wealth and fund management, and capital raising amongst its Members, but has also strengthened the domestic presence and clout of every Partner.”

Mr. Yang Soon Lee, Executive Vice President and Head of M&A at KT ZMICO assembled various opportunities from several sectors and countries, and four among them, presented on real estate and housing in the region.

In Thailand, Sunplay Asia Group presented an integrated specialized housing project for active retirees, while Boutique Corporation highlighted their Build-Operate-Sell model in their hospitality business involving hotels, service apartment and retail malls.

In the Philippines, 8990 Holdings Inc. spoke of sustainable mass housing, while Asia Pacific Investment Partners presented on real estate investments in Mongolia and Myanmar.

Other opportunities from Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka ranged from F&B to technology, and from consumer finance to clean energy.

About Global Alliance Partners

(GAP, www.globalalliancepartners.com)

Global Alliance Partners is a network organization of internationally-minded financial partners focusing on the capital midmarket. GAP provides its client base with local service and expertise, coupled with international reach and access in private equity, corporate fund raising, stock broking, and fund management. Global Alliance Partners bridges the gap between investment opportunities in the leading, emerging, or frontier markets, and the key sources of investment risk capital.

About KT ZMICO Securities Company Limited

(KT ZMICO, www.ktzmico.com/en/investorrelations/index.aspx)

KT ZMICO is a fully licensed broker-dealer regulated by the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Since its founding in 1974, KT ZMICO's predecessor firm, Seamico Securities, developed one of Thailand's premier investment banking and securities platforms, providing clients with a full suite of investment banking, securities brokering, and investment research capabilities.


Mr. Bernard Pouliot
Chairman of Global Alliance Partners and of Quam Financial Services Group
Tel: +852 2217 2848
Fax: +852 2624 8207
Email: bernard.pouliot@quamgroup.com
KT ZMICO Securities Co., Ltd.
Ms. Suntree Kiattipongthaworn
Head of Marketing Communications & Distribution Development
Tel: +66 2 695 5870 - 2
Mobile: +66 81 866 8048
Email: SuntreeK@ktzmico.com
Global Alliance Partners
Ms. Coy Roldan
Director of Group Marketing & Communications and Coordinating Executive
Tel: +852 2217 2891
Mobile: +852 9707 9889
Email: coyroldan@globalalliancepartners.com

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