

Murex Named Market Risk Technology Vendor of the Year

发布时间:2017-02-03 09:37

- MX.3 for Enterprise Risk Management selected by independent panel of experts as industry leader in market risk technology -

PARIS--()--Murex, the leading provider of trading, risk management and processing solutions, has been named the Market Risk Technology Vendor of the Year in the 2017 Risk Awards, directed by Risk Magazine. This award gives Murex, MX.3 for Enterprise Risk Management, recognition from the industry for its depth and sophistication of analytics, wide asset class coverage, best-in-breed technology, product innovations, and client support services.

Widely deployed at client sites around the world, MX.3 for Enterprise Risk Management provides a suite of advanced risk modeling, analysis and control tools for credit, market and liquidity risks across all asset classes. The platform uniquely combines sophisticated risk measures and accurate valuation adjustments with unparalleled flexibility. Using high performance computing, and optimization techniques, the solution is engineered to deliver real-time incremental risk metrics at pre or post-trade level manipulating large amounts of data, making it possible to optimize capital performance.

Recent innovations on the platform include MX.3 for FRTB. Launched in February 2016, it delivers a packaged solution for both the Standard and Internal Model Approaches, to help banks meet the Basel committee’s compliance deadline, and rapidly anticipate business impacts. Its high performance Internal Model framework is designed to facilitate regulatory approval, leveraging depth and consistency in trading and risk analytics. The solution covers all asset classes across the full FRTB calculation chain and flexibly adapts to a bank’s existing infrastructure.

Marwan Tabet, Head of Enterprise Risk Management Practice at Murex, comments “With so much focus on risk management in recent years I am delighted that MX.3 has been named the Market Risk Technology Vendor of the year. This award is largely due to our ongoing investment in the platform and commitment to delivering a game changing solution for market risk management. FRTB is the first step toward bringing trading and risk management much closer in the value chain, and banks need to be prepared with the right technology partner in place. Our solution is perfectly positioned for existing users and new clients as we leverage our trading platform and are flexible enough to plug into a bank’s existing architecture as a stand-alone solution. We are already supporting several client’s POCs and FRTB implementation projects with our packaged solution for the IMA and RSA methods.”

Stella Clarke, Chief Marketing Officer at Murex adds “Over the past few months we have been recognized as a leader in our space in the Chartis RiskTech 100, Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Trading Platforms, Risk Technology Rankings and I am thrilled to be able to add the Risk Awards to our list of accolades. This confirms that our platform strategy, product, and level of service are resonating with end users, analysts and specialists in the field. This is a great achievement, which is shared by everyone who works at Murex.”


About Murex (www.murex.com)

For more than 30 years, Murex has been providing enterprise-wide, cross-asset financial technology solutions to capital markets players. Its cross-function platform, MX.3, supports trading, treasury, risk and post-trade operations, enabling clients to better meet regulatory requirements, manage enterprise-wide risk, and control IT costs. With more than 45,000 daily users in 65 countries, Murex has clients in many sectors, from banking and asset management to energy and commodities.

Murex is an independent company with over 2,000 employees across 17 countries. Murex is committed to providing cutting-edge technology, superior customer service, and unique product innovation.


Nicole Fisher +33144053200


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