

Global Cloud Xchange and Alibaba Cloud Join Forces to Bolster Global Digital Economy

发布时间:2017-05-02 12:10

The agreement will further expand Alibaba Cloud’s global footprint to support enterprises with high performance connectivity to China


Global Cloud Xchange (GCX), a subsidiary of Reliance Communications announced today that it has entered into an agreement with Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing arm of Alibaba Group, to provide direct access to Alibaba Cloud Express Connect via GCX’s CLOUD X Fusion in Singapore, offering enterprise customers robust Cloud solutions to drive new business opportunities. The signing ceremony took place today during the Alibaba Cloud Computing Conference in Nanjing, China.

“As the Cloud revolution continues and innovation becomes even more rapid and breath-taking, we see an exponential growth in connectivity requirements and robust infrastructure especially with the rapidly evolving Internet ecosystem in China,” said Bill Barney, CEO, Reliance Communications and Global Cloud Xchange. “We are pleased to provide Alibaba Cloud with secure, low latency solutions across our global subsea network infrastructure which covers major e-commerce hubs worldwide."

Through GCX’s extensive global network and its comprehensive product portfolio, CLOUD X Fusion provides seamless, low latency connectivity across developed and emerging markets in the US, Europe, Middle East and Asia, which gives enterprises security, reliability and predictability as they connect to Alibaba Cloud services on a dynamic usage-based consumption.

“As we enter a new era of digital transformation, businesses across the globe require new levels of support to tap into the emerging opportunities of data technology and data intelligence. Through the interconnection of Alibaba Cloud Express Connect and GCX’s CLOUD X Fusion, customers will benefit from added flexibility and global reach to improve competitiveness in the new paradigm,” said Jiong Sun, Vice President of Alibaba Group and Alibaba Cloud.

CLOUD X Fusion is part of GCX’s CLOUD X portfolio, a proprietary platform designed to seamlessly combine the speed and power of fiber optics with the agility, flexibility and cost-efficiencies of “pay-as-you-go” cloud computing; available globally and controlled by a simple-to-use user portal.

Alibaba Cloud’s Express Connect provides fast, stable and secure network connections between different cloud environments, including VPC intranet intercommunication and dedicated leased line connections across regions and users. With Express Connect, enterprises can increase the flexibility of their network topology and enhance the quality and security of inter-network communication.

About Global Cloud Xchange

Global Cloud Xchange (GCX), a subsidiary of Reliance Communications, offers a comprehensive portfolio of solutions customized for carriers, enterprises and new media companies. GCX owns the world’s largest private undersea cable system spanning more than 67,000 route kms which, seamlessly integrated with Reliance Communications’ 200,000 route kms of domestic optic fiber backbone, provides a robust Global Service Delivery Platform. With connections to 40 key business markets worldwide spanning Asia, North America, Europe and the Middle East, GCX delivers Managed Services to more than 160 countries and offer extensive VPLS-enabled Ethernet network capabilities globally. GCX is equipped to support businesses through the deployment of next generation Enterprise solutions across its Cloud Delivery Networks.


View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170426005559/en/



Global Cloud Xchange
Rajeev Narayan, +91-93-1041-4119
Genevieve Li, +852-6028-8236

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