

Murex Ranked #1 Treasury and Capital Markets Solution in the 2017 IBS Sales League Table

发布时间:2017-05-15 16:17

- Recognized as the top selling treasury and capital markets solution in 2016, Murex continues to dominate industry awards -

PARIS--()--Murex, a global leader in trading, risk management and processing solutions, has been recognized by IBS Intelligence as the top selling treasury and capital markets solution of 2016. In addition to topping the ranking, Murex has been included in the new IBS Leadership Club thanks to the impressive sales figures for the MX.3 platform. MX.3 also placed prominently in the IBS Risk Management Systems table.

The annual Sales League Table ranking is based on the number of new client wins in 2016. Murex topped this year’s ranking, with fifteen new clients signed in the treasury and capital markets category. As part of the SLT survey, IBS recorded a 44% investment increase in treasury applications for 2016. Over the past three years, the total number of deals in the wholesale treasury and capital category hovered around 50. However, in 2016, perhaps driven by increasingly complex regulatory requirements, the number of new client signatures increased significantly to 75.

“In a highly competitive market, it is very rewarding to see MX.3 positioned as the technology vendor of choice for financial institutions” said Philippe Helou, Co-founder and Managing Partner at Murex. “We believe that the signing of a new deal marks the start of a strong partnership. Murex is committed to delivering successful projects around the globe and working closely with clients to help them achieve their business objectives.”

This is the first year that Murex has led the category, highlighting how our vision and product strategy is resonating with the market. The IBS Sales League Table caps off a stream of recent award wins for Murex, including a leading position in the 2016 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Trading Platforms, and Market Risk Technology Vendor of the Year in the 2017 Risk Awards.


About Murex (www.murex.com)

For more than 30 years, Murex has been providing enterprise-wide, cross-asset financial technology solutions to capital markets players. Its cross-function platform, MX.3, supports trading, treasury, risk and post-trade operations, enabling clients to better meet regulatory requirements, manage enterprise-wide risk, and control IT costs. With more than 45,000 daily users in 65 countries, Murex has clients in many sectors, from banking and asset management to energy and commodities.

Murex is an independent company with over 2,000 employees across 17 countries. Murex is committed to providing cutting-edge technology, superior customer service, and unique product innovation.



Nicole Fisher, +33144053200


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