

The Second Energy Internet and 鈥渢he Belt &Road鈥

发布时间:2017-07-20 12:03

The forum would be held by CDMC Shanghai, co-organized by IEEEPES and CMIF (Energy Internet).The Forum would cover four parts, Energy Internet Demonstration Projects Sharing, Chinese Companies focus on the Energy Internet cooperating with the countries along the “Belt & Road”, The key technology Problems for the Energy Internet and the market prospects 銆乤pplication prospects . There would be over 800 delegates attending this forum. All the people gather here to talk about and seek the new opportunities for their future cooperation.

Background for our conference

According to the policy regarding the Internet plus smart energy development from China State Council, we would establish the pilot and demonstration projects for different types and the different size and establish the standardized system for the Energy Internet Technology to form the technology norm. We would gradually establish the industrial system for the Energy Internet by the end of 2025 to push the development for realizing the Internet internationalization, We need to actively establish the smart energy system during the thirteenth five years to promote the combination between the energy and the information field, combining the construction for the infrastructure among the energy and communication to develop the Energy Internet with the coordination for the “Source-Internet-load -storage”which is complex and complimentary. It predicts that the market capacity for the Energy Internet in China would exceed 940 billion dollars, it equals to 70% for the GDP.

The content of our conference

Our conference about all kinds of content include building global energy Internet promotes the energy transformation.The application for the IOT technology in the energy internet.For example Huawei will be attended to our conference to discuss the topic about IOT.

The future of our conference

The conference will be held on September 21st -22nd ! We predict there will be over 800 delegates, the conference will cover several sections, the introduction for the demonstration for the latest projects and hot issues discussion for the industry in depth, and we devote ourselves to promote the healthy and high-speed development for the Energy Internet Industry, build the international communication platform. We would help the participants to know more about the industry news and embrace the bright future through communicating with the elites from the industry.

Chinese website:http://www.eis-annual.com/cn

English website:http://www.eis-annual.com/


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