

SES GS to Showcase GEO & MEO Solutions at Modern Day Marine Expo

发布时间:2017-09-15 09:46

World’s first multi-band, multi-orbit, rapid connectivity solution designed to enable defense and security missions

RESTON, Va.--()--SES Government Solutions (SES GS) today announced that it will demonstrate its Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) and Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellite communication system at the Modern Day Marine Expo at Marine Corps Base Quantico. The solutions can connect defense missions in most remote areas with no terrestrial infrastructure, adapting to a broad range of scenarios. The ongoing demonstrations will take place from 19 to 21 September.The satellite-enabled communications solution managed by SES GS is the first mobile platform to offer collaborative communications technologies over multiple frequencies, including X-band, military Ka-, commercial C-, Ku- and Ka- bands. The system on display can access GEO wide beams and high throughput narrow beams, or deliver fiber-like MEO connectivity services. This integrated satellite-enabled solution hosts advanced features and can provide a mobile cell tower to deliver 3G and 4G/LTE connectivity.

The system is designed to enable resilient communications anywhere, and to support applications such as High Definition video surveillance, large file transfers, high-speed broadband, voice over IP and mobile backhaul in locations where ground infrastructure is non-existent or destroyed.

“SES GS GEO and MEO services allow government maritime customers to avail themselves of all the benefits of a highly-reliable, expeditionary, flexible and scalable solution to accomplish their missions with speed and accuracy from ship to shore, and out to the tactical edge,” said Pete Hoene, President & CEO of SES GS.

Visit SES Government Solutions at Booth #106 Lejeune Hall 3250 Caitlin Ave., Quantico VA 22134. To register for a private appointment with SES GS at the expo visit http://ses-gs.com/about-us/event-rsvp/.

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About SES Government Solutions

SES Government Solutions, a subsidiary of global satellite operator SES, is exclusively focused on meeting the satellite communications needs of the U.S. Government. Leveraging more than four decades of experience in the government SATCOM market, SES Government Solutions offers robust and secure end-to-end satellite communications solutions. Further information can be found at www.ses-gs.com.



Natalia Kossobokova
Marketing & Communications, SES Government Solutions
Tel. +1 703 646 7231



SES GS to Showcase GEO & MEO Solutions at Modern Day Marine Expo (Photo: Business Wire)

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