

New Limelight Networks Report Reveals Consumers Worldwide Spend Nearly 17 Hours A Week Online

发布时间:2017-11-22 09:59

Speed and Security Critical: Nearly Half of Online Shoppers Won’t Buy from a Slow Website - 40 Percent Avoid Sites that Suffered a Security Breach

TEMPE, Ariz.--()--Consumers worldwide are spending more time online and are quick to avoid websites that provide poor user experiences or have had security breaches, according to the latest “State of the User Experience” research report from Limelight Networks, (Nasdaq:LLNW), a global leader in digital content delivery. The annual global report, which highlights consumer online behaviors and expectations, found major increases in time spent online and the impact of online experiences on customer loyalty.Globally, more than 45 percent of people spend at least 15 hours a week online outside of work – a 64 percent increase from last year. Smartphones are the primary device used to access online content, and more than half (56 percent) of worldwide consumers expect fast web performance regardless of what device they are using.

Poor experiences frequently lead to lost sales. Nearly half (49 percent) of global consumers surveyed said they will not wait more than 5 seconds for a web page to load, and 43 percent would move to a different site to make a purchase if a website was too slow. More than 12 percent of consumers surveyed will not re-visit a website after previously experiencing slow performance – double the number from last year’s survey.

Consumers also want to know their information is being safeguarded online. More than 75 percent have a negative opinion of a brand after it has experienced a security breach, and 40 percent say they will not shop at a website that has been the victim of a cyber-attack.

“In today’s crowded market, brands can’t risk delivering a poor online experience to their customers,” said Michael Milligan, Senior Director at Limelight Networks. “Security breaches, slow performance and other elements of an inefficient online experience impact a shopper’s actions and have long-lasting effects on brand reputation and customer retention.”

Additional insights from the report show:

  • Good experiences go a long way. The top factors in deciding to purchase a product from a website are the “ability to easily search and find items” and “fast online performance.” After a positive experience on a website, 75 percent of worldwide consumers surveyed will recommend that brand to a friend. Consumers in India and the Philippines are the most likely to do so, with 95 percent willing to recommend a website based on a good experience.
  • Social media wins the popularity contest. Social media is the top choice for time spent online by global consumers, at an average of four hours 14 minutes per week. People 18-35 spend more time watching online video than any other activity, while those older than 60 prefer spending time reading online news.
  • Smartphones are preferred by younger consumers. Globally, smartphones are the primary device used for online activities. Smartphones are the preferred device for accessing online content by women and people 45 and younger. Men and people older than 45 prefer laptop computers.
  • Consumers are spending more time online. People in the U.S. and the U.K. spend the most time online, with more than half in each country spending more than 15 hours a week online. Globally, people 46-60 spend the most time online, with 49 percent online for more than 15 hours a week. For comparison, 41 percent of young millennials (ages 18-25) spend more than 15 hours online each week.

The “State of the User Experience” report is based on a survey of 3,500 respondents in France, India, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, the U.K., and the U.S. The full report is available here.

About Limelight
Limelight Networks Inc., (NASDAQ: LLNW), a global leader in digital content delivery, empowers customers to better engage online audiences by enabling them to securely manage and globally deliver digital content, on any device. The company’s Limelight Orchestrate Platform includes a global infrastructure with a fully-integrated suite of capabilities and services to help you address all your content delivery needs. The Orchestrate Platform solves your most important content delivery challenges so you can deliver the next great digital experience anywhere. For more information, visit www.limelight.com, follow us on TwitterFacebook, and LinkedIn.



SHIFT Communications
Lori Niquette, 617-779-1800
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