

Singapore’s QQQ Capital Taps Eze Investment Suite for Growth

发布时间:2018-01-31 09:56

Eze Investment Suite to Power Operations for USD100M Start-Up

SINGAPORE--()--Eze Software, a global provider of investment technology, has signed on QQQ Capital Pte Ltd., Singapore’s new long-term value hedge fund manager, to use Eze Investment Suite to automate its operations. QQQ Capital will be launching the QQQ Capital Feeder Fund, a USD100 million fund focused on technology, education and tourism, in early 2018, and will use Eze Investment Suite to help streamline its front-to-back investment workflows.As a fundamental long-short equity hedge fund, QQQ Capital required a robust automated risk management approach to monitor and comply with regulations, stock restrictions, limits on equity weights and investor guidelines. Eze Investment Suite will support pre-trade and post-trade risk management and compliance, performance and risk/return analysis.

“When we set out to look for a technology partner, Eze Software stood out with a dynamic, robust and scalable solution that will help us streamline our front-to-back-office workflows, from pre-trade compliance, real-time analytics, trading, shadow accounting, and fully audited books and records,” said Zhou Wang, QQQ Capital Head of Investor Relations. “We look forward to working with a reputable and agile partner to help us set up our operations.”

“We are excited to support QQQ Capital in their new launch and future growth,” said R.G. Manalac, Eze Software’s Managing Director, APAC. “As a long-time provider in the region, we are continuously looking to invest in the success of our clients with flexible, scalable technology and hands-on service.”

About QQQ Capital Pte Ltd.
QQQ Capital Pte Ltd. was founded in June 2017 with the goal of managing hedge funds to deliver long-term investor value through fundamental research and critical analysis. Its first QQQ Capital Feeder Fund will be focusing on Technology, Education and Tourism Sectors. It will be managed by Qian Yongqiang, renowned ex-lecturer and co-founder of New Oriental, using a combination of event-driven approach and critical analysis.

About Eze Software
Eze Software is a global leading provider of investment management software solutions designed to optimize operational and investment alpha throughout the entire investment process. Eze Software provides the platform for growth for the entire investment management community, maximizing efficiencies across order management, trade execution & analytics, portfolio analytics & modeling, compliance & regulatory reporting, commission management, and portfolio & investor accounting. For more than 20 years Boston-based Eze Software has been driving innovation in financial technology. Today, Eze Software partners with more than 2,500 buy- and sell-side institutions in 45 countries from their 15 offices worldwide. For more information, visit www.ezesoft.com.



Eze Software
Veronica Belitski, +1 212-506-7523

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