

Speedcast Secures Contract Valued at Up to AU$184 Million with NBN Co Australia

发布时间:2018-02-05 09:29

Ten-Year Contract Will Accelerate Speedcast’s Revenue in Australia and Create New Jobs



Speedcast International Limited (ASX: SDA), the world's most trusted provider of remote communication and IT solutions, today announced it has secured a 10-year contract with Australian government-owned infrastructure provider NBN Co to deliver enterprise-grade satellite services. Speedcast’s wholly-owned subsidiary and dedicated entity, Speedcast Managed Services, will partner with NBN Co to design, build and manage NBN Co’s enterprise satellite services. The value of the base network build and managed services project is AU$107 million and with other demand-driven services the aggregate revenue is expected to be up to AU$184 million in total.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180204005060/en/

This new contract will be a transformational project for Speedcast in Australia. Speedcast will leverage its experience as Australia’s largest provider of enterprise-grade satellite services to build and operate, in support of NBN Co, a unique suite of satellite services targeted at enterprise and government customers in Australia. In order to deliver on its mission, Speedcast will set up a new office with world class specialists in Melbourne to support NBN Co. The services provided by Speedcast will complement NBN Co’s consumer satellite service and will serve to increase the availability of enterprise-grade cost-effective communications solutions for Australian businesses.

"We are honored and grateful to have been chosen for such an important program and we are excited to play a part in expanding the communication services available in Australia. This contract is another huge success for Speedcast in our efforts to provide next-generation communications solutions to our clients and partners around the world," said Pierre-Jean Beylier, CEO, Speedcast. "I thank NBN Co for their trust in Speedcast’s ability to deliver reliable communications services enabling mission-critical applications that enterprise and government customers rely on; something we are passionate about and have been doing very successfully in Australia for many years as well as in over 100 countries around the world.”

As the largest provider of satellite communication services to enterprises in Australia and globally, Speedcast boasts a range of services, technical capabilities and service levels that are second to none in the industry. The innovative solutions and ideas that Speedcast brings will help NBN Co support its mission and provide enterprise customers in Australia with an industry-leading connectivity service.

The time required to finalise this material contract means that the contribution previously forecasted to be recognised in 2017 will now be realised in 2018.

About Speedcast International Limited

Speedcast International Ltd (ASX: SDA) is the largest provider of remote communications and IT services in the world. Speedcast’s fully managed service is delivered via a leading global, multi-access-technology, multi-band and multi-orbit network of 70+ satellites and an interconnecting global terrestrial network, bolstered by extensive on the ground local support from 40+ countries. This global “network of networks” allows customers to fully rely on the most robust, integrated infrastructure available in the market for their mission critical applications. Speedcast is uniquely positioned as a strategic business partner, tailoring communications, IT and digital solutions to meet unique customer needs and enable business transformation. Speedcast extends its managed services through differentiated technology offerings including cyber-security, crew welfare, content solutions, data and voice applications and network systems integration services. With a passionate customer focus and a strong safety culture, Speedcast serves more than 2,000 customers in over 140 countries in sectors such as Maritime, Energy, Mining, Enterprise, Media, Cruise, NGOs and Government. Learn more at www.Speedcast.com.

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Speedcast® is a trademark and registered trademark of Speedcast International Limited. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective owners.

© 2018 Speedcast International Limited. All rights reserved.

View source version on businesswire.com: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180204005060/en/


Speedcast International Ltd
Toni Lee Rudnicki, +1-832-668-2634
Vice President, Global Marketing
Ian Baldwin, +61-2-9531-7555
Chief Financial Officer
Speedcast International Ltd

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