

Red Bull Can You Make It? Teams Make It to the Finish Line in Amsterdam

发布时间:2018-04-19 09:46

AMSTERDAM--()--After one week, 459,399 km and 20,658 traded cans later, the Red Bull Can You Make It? teams arrived in Amsterdam, celebrating the journey of a lifetime. 198 teams of the 200 crossed the finish line after being on the road without any cash or personal phones, using only Red Bull cans as their currency.Facing various challenges along the way, teams were put to the ultimate test throughout their journey. From hitchhiking for hundreds of kilometers to bartering for tickets on commercial flights, participants charmed their way across countries and demonstrated strong team spirits with the help from the generous folks whom they met along their journey.

Altogether, 40 different means of transportation were used, including commercial flights, helicopters, bicycles, speedboats and, of course, their own feet. The teams passed through 21 countries experiencing different weather conditions, cultures and traditions.

Team G I T earned the top spot with a best overall score of 655 points. The team of three students managed to hit six checkpoints, traveling 4,140 km and trading 23 cans of Red Bull along the way. Team #FreeRiders landed the second spot with 648 points, while Team Naughty Boys finished third in the overall rank with 639 points.

As the winning team, G I T will get to experience an immersive, once-in-a-lifetime experience from Destination Red Bull.

To view the final recap video please visit: https://www.redbullcontentpool.com/international/AP-1VD1BZ1BS1W11


Overall event statistics:

Total distance travelled: 459,399 km
Total Countries Reached: 21
Total Cans Traded: 20,658
Total transportation types used: 40

Follow the event on social media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/redbullcanyoumakeit/

Instagram: #canyoumakeit18

About Red Bull Can You Make It?

Red Bull Can You Make It? challenges teams of three university students on the adventure of a lifetime. Teams from various countries across the globe will have 7 days to travel across Europe using only Red Bull as a currency. A daily social highlight program will follow the stories throughout the week, and judging will be based on three factors: Checkpoint Challenges, Social Following and completing tasks on an Adventure List. It’s not about the first team to the destination – it’s the adventures along the way that matter. It is a journey of charm and strategy that leaves one question; CAN YOU MAKE IT? www.redbullcanyoumakeit.com



For Red Bull
Mark Tanno

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