

Mentice Appoints New Member to its Board of Directors.

发布时间:2018-10-24 16:34


Mentice, the world leading provider of endovascular performance solutions, announced today the appointment of a new independent member to its Board of Directors.

David J. Ballard, M.D., M.S.P.H., Ph.D., F.A.C.P., is a global healthcare executive with proven expertise in improving healthcare value and organizational financial performance while providing international thought leadership. Dr. Ballard was recognized by Becker’s as one of the top 50 experts leading the field of Patient Safety in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 and is the past President of the International Society for Quality in Healthcare. Widely recognized as a global scholar in healthcare quality and value, his two books on healthcare quality leadership received Shingo Awards for their contributions to operational excellence.

“I am excited to join the Mentice board of directors,” says David Ballard, “I am engaging this role because I believe that Mentice technology and solutions can be transformative in our global quest to reduce harm to patients and to make healthcare more affordable.”

Dr. Ballard has served as Chief Quality Officer of Baylor Scott & White Health, the largest healthcare system in Texas (1999-2018). Previously, David served in leadership roles at Emory University (1994-1999), University of Virginia (1991-1994) and Mayo Clinic (1986-1991) after completing degrees in economics, epidemiology and medicine at the University of North Carolina where he was a John Motley Morehead Scholar and training in internal medicine at the Mayo Clinic where he now serves as Healthcare Policy Section Editor for the Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

“It is an honor to have Dr Ballard join our board,” says Lonnie Howell, Chairman of Mentice. “Dr Ballard’s experience from executive positions in large health systems and his global leadership in patient safety will help us drive our expansion with use of our technology for the continuous practice.” Mr. Howell continues, “Our solutions are the established standard for the world’s medical device manufacturers as well as academic medical centers across the world; our next frontier is leveraging the potential of clinical simulation in the continuous practice of improvement in healthcare to reduce harm and the costs of care.”

Mentice is the world leader in virtual reality‐ased interventional medical simulation solutions. Our solutions help healthcare professionals with skills acquisition, continuous development and preprocedural planning—leading to improved productivity and outcomes. Mentice solutions are scientifically validated and have been specifically developed for healthcare providers and the medical industry. Neurovascular, cardiovascular and peripheral interventions are just some of the areas covered by our systems. For more information about Mentice, visit www.mentice.com.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20181024005084/en/


Hiral Chavda
Marketing Communications Manager
+46 (0) 31 339 94 94

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