随着数字化转型的发展,也推动了云计算、人工智能、大数据、物联网等新一代信息 技术应用,与此同时,新时代的发展也带来了新的网络威胁和新的安全需求。我们不难发现,近年网络攻击时间层出不穷,全球范围来看,企业因遭受网络攻击承担的损失高达百亿美元。不仅仅是财产的损失,用户数据遭到泄露更是有可能危及生命。在这样的大环境之下,建立安全的网络环境的需要多方共同参与,企业,安全厂商, 运营商,并对用户进行系统的安全意识教育。
- 第一天主论坛,探讨法规与新科技
- 第二天3个平行分论坛,分别探讨云安全、IoT安全、企业安全
- 本次峰会拟邀请350+位参会代表,其中包含40+位演讲嘉宾
- 20+行业领军企业动态分享
- 15+ 精彩问答环节
- 汇集最新全球行业情报
- 立足中国市场
- 4 个茶歇环节
- 350+参会嘉宾
- 与行业领导面对面沟通
- 建立高端行业人脉
- 政府机构
- 线上线下全方面推
- 企业高管深度洽谈
- 国际商务平台
- 现场业务洽谈
- 寻找精准合作,最大化商机
- 中国网络安全法解读
- GDPR对于数据安全的保障要求
- 跨国企业如何处理网络安全问题与法规适应
- 机器学习从新的角度重塑网络安全行业发展
- 大数据分析网络安全网络威胁防御
- 如何保障混合云安全,并满足合规要求
- 软件定义边界的策略与实践
- 如何从网络层面保障云安全
- 使用汽车完全测试技术,提前预防汽车网络安全危机
- 工业4.0环境下工业自动化及控制系统的安全实践
- 生物识别技术的应用促进企业网络安全的发展
- 网信办
- 公安部
- 普华永道
- 华为
- 西门子中国研究院
- 腾讯
- 全球网络安全行业知名专家与企业代 表
- 中国信息通信研究院技术与标准所
- 中国电信
- 亚马逊
- 云安全联盟
- 平安科技
- 西门子医疗
- 360
- 高德纳
- 国家电网
- 通用电气
- 沃尔沃
- 海康威视研究院
- 小米
- 京东
- 强生
- 中国石化工程建设有限公司
- 顺丰科技
- 海尔
- 思科
- 上海市信息安全协会
- 总裁
- 副总裁
- 首席技术官
- 首席信息官
- 首席运营官
- 董事/总经理
- 销售总监/国际销售经理
- 区域总监/经理
- 业务总监/经理
- 战略总监/经理
- 市场总监/经理
- 研发总监/经理
- 技术总监/经理
- 信息总监/经理
电话:+86 21 8026 0707 Ext. 808
关于上海希为(ECV International)
(ECV International)上海希为是亚洲领先的国际高端商业峰会及活动的主办和承办机构。公司拥有近200位行业研究及活动专家,每年在全球举办约40场高端国际峰会,涉及汽车、零售、纺织、鞋业、物联网、新科技等行业。我们为超过半数的财富2000强企业提供专业的商业会议及咨询服务,每年有超过6000位来自戴姆勒、通用电气、阿迪达斯、可口可乐、阿里巴巴、ABB等跨国公司、专业机构及创新企业的决策人参加我们的会议和活动。我们的使命是通过提供专业服务帮助客户抓住发展机遇、迎接挑战、实现全球范围内的可持续发展,进而影响行业格局,引领行业未来。
Asia Cybersecurity Innovation Summit to be Held in May 2019, Shanghai, China
Key Words: Cybersecurity, GDPR, Cloud Security, IoT Security, Network Security, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Internet of Things, Enterprise Security, Financial Security, Identity Management
The Asia Cybersecurity Innovation Summit 2019, organized by Shanghai ECV International, is going to be held on May 13th - 14th, 2019, in Shanghai, China.
With the development of digital transformation, cloud computing, AI, big data, IoT and other emerging information technology applications are also promoted. Meanwhile, new cyber threats and new security requirements have been brought with the development of the new era. Cyber attacks have been soaring in recent years. Globally, companies have suffered losses of tens of billions of dollars due to cyber attacks. Not just the loss of property, but also the leakage of user data which could be life-threatening. Under the present general environment, the establishment of a secured network environment asks for multi-party participation, including enterprises, security manufacturers, operators, as well as systematic safety consciousness education on users.
The Asia Cybersecurity Innovation Summit 2019 will gather around 350 senior executives and experts in the field of cybersecurity from different enterprises. They will explore the latest cybersecurity technologies, cyber risks and classic cybersecurity cases of various industries. The topics will cover the interpretation and analysis of laws and regulations including Cybersecurity Law and GDPR; AI in cybersecurity technology, big data analysis, cloud computing security, IoT security, enterprise security, identity authentication management and other technologies. Meanwhile, hot security issues in financial industry, medical industry, chemical industry, manufacturing industry, retail industry, automotive industry etc. will also be covered.
This summit will bring you the most comprehensive cybersecurity industry analysis and the latest industry intelligence. It will serve as a great platform for in-depth communication with the cybersecurity experts of various industry and for potential business negotiation.
1 + 3 Conference Format:
- Day 1- A Main Forum for Cybersecurity Compliance and Emerging Technology
- Day 2- Three Parallel Sub-forums, respectively focusing on Cloud Security, IoT Security and Industry Applications of Cybersecurity and Enterprise Security
Conference Size:
- 40+ authoritative speakers from cybersecurity industry
- 300+ delegates in the field of cybersecurity
- 20+ dynamic sharing of leading enterprises
- 15+ Q&A sessions
- Global latest industry report and information
- Based on Chinese market
- 350+ attendees
- 4 coffee break sessions
- Face to face communication with industry leaders
- Government agencies
- Online and offline promotion
- High-level communication
- International platform
- On-site business negotiation
- Cooperation opportunity seeking
Hot Topics:
- Interpretation of China's Cybersecurity Law
- GDPR Compliance's Requirements for the Data Security Protection
- Cybersecurity and Multinational Company
- Machine Learning Reshapes Cybersecurity from a New Perspective
- Big Data Security Analytic Boosts Cybersecurity and Combats Cyber Threats
- Optimized Strategies to Enhance Cloud Data Security
- Strategies and Practice of Software Defined Perimeters (SDP)
- How to Ensure Hybrid Cloud Cybersecurity and Meet Security Compliance
- Securing IoT: An Key Issue of Supply Chain Risk Management
Inviting Speakers:
Cyberspace Administration of China
SF Technology
- President / CEO
- Vice president
- General Manager
- Regional Director / Manager
- Sales Director / Manager
- Business Director / Manager
- Strategic Director / Manager
- Marketing Director / Manager
- R & D Director / Manager
- Technical Supervisor / Manager
- IT Director / Manager
Contact Us
Name:Jo Yilu
Tel:+86 21 8026 0707 Ext. 808
ECV International
ECV International is a leading organizer and contractor of high-end international business events in Asia, with nearly 200 professionals in industrial research and event planning & execution. Every year, we hold around 40 high-level international summits involved in the fields of vehicle, retail, textile, footwear, IoT, New Science & Technology industry, etc.
In addition to its own summit, ECV also carries out business activities to provide customers with comprehensive marketing services ranging from event planning, conference planning, creativity to execution, 3D animation, film and television production, and cultural performances. Event planning and event execution involve creative projects, site planning, material planning, process planning and other services. Guest invitations and media campaigns involved media invitations, guest invitations, press release development, advertising and other services.