

Trustonic and Huawei Disrupt Application Shielding Market with Partnership to Introduce First Multi-TEE Security Platform for Mobile App Developers

发布时间:2019-02-25 15:21

In an industry-first innovation, Trustonic Application Protection (TAP) is enabling app developers to utilize strong security across multiple Trusted Execution Environments. Partnership announcement with Huawei demonstrates first development platform to combine software TEE for iOS and Android with multi-vendor hardware TEE capability, democratizing access to the best security available for protecting apps, services and sensitive data.

CAMBRIDGE, England--()--Mobile cyber security leader Trustonic announced today that it will expand support to include Huawei’s Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) on its mobile application security platform, Trustonic Application Protection (TAP). Until now, TAP has enabled app developers to build apps secured by both strong application shielding for iOS and Android, and hardware-based protection for the 1.7 billion Android devices embedded with Trustonic’s TEE during manufacture. The new multi-TEE capability will be demonstrated for the first time at MWC19 in Barcelona, where Trustonic and Huawei will show trusted applications running on Huawei smartphones utilizing Huawei’s TEE.

Trustonic is unveiling an expanded partner ecosystem at MWC19, showcasing solutions that use TAP to enhance protection of apps, services and sensitive data. Lookout Inc. is demonstrating new mobile threat detection solutions and In Solutions is exhibiting mobile government ID apps. In financial services, dejamobile is showcasing its mobile payment project with top domestic payment card scheme provider Cartes Bancaires, Alcinéo is presenting its mPOS solutions and Rivetz is showcasing its blockchain and cryptocurrency security platform. Trustonic has also announced a project with Volkswagen which is using TAP to provide advanced protection for VW’s first Digital Key Sharing app. All Trustonic partners at MWC19 have been part of a program developing trusted apps which can leverage new TAP functionality, providing greater protection, flexibility and device coverage.

Ben Cade, CEO of Trustonic comments, “Our partner Huawei is now the second largest smartphone manufacturer in the world, shipping over 200 million devices in 2018 alone. Together, we share a vision that open hardware security standards will bring simpler, faster and safer mobile experiences to consumers. Both companies believe that an open, collaborative and growing ecosystem is the best way to bring better security features to all participants in the industry and their end-users. We are jointly committed to independent, fair and transparent industry security assessments to assure trust in our solutions.”

Visit Trustonic at MWC19 stand 6i40 to see TAP in action on Huawei smartphones. For more information, please click here.



Rob Peryer
+44 (0)113 350 1922

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