

Alibaba Cloud Unveils New Products to Empower Data Intelligence for Enterprises and Internet Companies

发布时间:2019-02-27 10:05

Global Cloud Computing leader offers proven solutions used by Alibaba Group to empower businesses with actionable insights


Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing arm of Alibaba Group, today launched seven new solutions, and two new features for the international markets at the Mobile World Congress. The launches range from serverless computing, data analytics, global networking, high performance storage, and enterprise database that let customers easily and reliably derive actionable business insight to thrive in the age of intelligent business. These new services are part of the technology backbone underpinning Alibaba Group’s various business units including retail, fin-tech, logistics, media and entertainment, and digital branding and marketing. With these new capabilities, global customers can take advantage of the proven, scalable, and secure technologies and accelerate business growth.

Nowadays, global enterprises and internet startups alike need to quickly derive insights from data and make intelligent business decisions in a timely manner. They typically face challenges managing and analyzing data at a massive scale and processing real-time streaming data. To solve these for the customers, Alibaba Cloud launched Realtime Compute that can easily process millions of events/sec and support real-time decision making, such as for fraud detection, social analytics, and QoS monitoring of Telco networks. To help customers manage and analyze large corps of data, Alibaba Cloud introduced the improved DataWorks and MaxCompute 2.0 that can handle processing 100PB/day. For customers who want to explore unstructured, heterogeneous data sets on-demand, Data Lake Analytics allows them to easily query petabytes of data in serverless fashion with standard SQL and only pay for the amount of data scanned.

“Businesses around the world are increasingly relying on data intelligence to drive innovation, digitalize operations, and delight customers,” said Henry Zhang, Senior Staff Product Manager of Alibaba Cloud International. “We work with customers from many industries along this digital transformation journey. We are keen to turn our proven in-house technology into broadly applicable services and pass the benefits on to customers globally so they can quickly build applications on top, such as for 5G, edge computing, and IoT, and shorten the time-to-market.”

In addition to new products for data analytics, Alibaba Cloud also introduced a number of powerful infrastructure enhancements to support intelligent businesses at a global scale. Customers can now deploy enterprise-grade database applications on ApsaraDB for MariaDB TX and take advantage of SQL Server Enterprise Always On to deploy enterprise level high availability and disaster recovery plans. Customers developing file based High Performance Computing workloads such as autonomous driving and scientific discovery can now use Cloud Parallel File System for first-class concurrency and bandwidth. Finally, Elastic Container Instance allows customers to easily run containers without the hassle of managing servers and clusters; and Global Connection Solution help businesses easily deploy a reliable, low latency global network to support their international business operations.

“We believe in a virtuous cycle of building world-class infrastructure, deploying intelligent applications on that architecture, and using real-time analytics to make data-driven decisions,” said Yeming Wang, General Manager, Alibaba Cloud EMEA. “In addition, we offer robust cross-border solutions for enterprises and ecosystem partners who are looking to expand globally and into the rapidly growing Asian markets. These proven and compliant solutions are already used by Alibaba Group and we hope our customers can leverage our expertise to create more differentiated value for their end-customers.”

These solutions and services have already generated positive results for customers in China and are now becoming available to more international customers.

About Alibaba Cloud

Established in 2009, Alibaba Cloud (www.alibabacloud.com), the cloud computing arm of Alibaba Group, is among the world’s top three IaaS providers, according to Gartner, and the largest provider of public cloud services in China, according to IDC. Alibaba Cloud provides a comprehensive suite of cloud computing services to businesses worldwide, including merchants doing business on Alibaba Group marketplaces, start-ups, corporations and government organizations. Alibaba Cloud is the official Cloud Services Partner of the International Olympic Committee.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190226005610/en/


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