

Tricor Group Appoints Prasad KNVS as Head of the Shared Services Centre

发布时间:2019-04-02 10:03

HONG KONG--()--Tricor Group (Tricor), Asia’s leading provider of integrated business, corporate, investor, human resources and payroll, corporate trust and debt services, today announced the appointment of Prasad KNVS to lead its Shared Services Centre. Prasad will report to Wendy Wang, Group Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer, and will be based in Kuala Lumpur.

As department head, Prasad will be responsible for supporting the Group’s financial accounting, payroll, IT, corporate services and other shared service centre functions. Prasad will build integrated technology-enabled operations to improve client experience and deliver business value by, among others, optimizing business processes throughout Asia Pacific.

Wendy Wang, said: “It is with great pleasure to announce the appointment of Prasad as Head of the Shared Service Centre. We’re a services company, which means our employees are our number one asset and priority. I’m confident Prasad will generate significant value for our clients and staff given his rich experience in the industry and deep knowledge of how to enhance business processes.”

Joining from professional services firm Genpact, where he was the Lead Solution Architect, Prasad brings over 20 years of experience in process transformation, business process outsourcing consulting, operations solutions, and much more to Tricor. Prasad is Six Sigma trained practitioner, and has experience in a wealth of industries and locations worldwide.

Prasad has a degree in Digital Strategies for Business from Colombia Business University, a Masters in Commerce from Osmania University in Hyderabad, and completed a general management program from the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore.

About Tricor Group

Tricor Group (Tricor) has a growing global presence and is Asia’s leading provider of integrated business, corporate, investor, human resources and payroll, corporate trust and debt services. Tricor has had a rapid expansion through organic growth and development as well as partnerships, mergers and acquisitions. The Group today has over 30,000 clients globally, a staff strength of over 2,400 and a network of offices in 40 cities across 21 countries / territories. Our client portfolio includes over 1,300 companies listed in Hong Kong, over 500 companies listed in Singapore and Malaysia, and more than 40% of the Fortune Global 500 companies, as well as a significant share of multinationals and private enterprises operating across international markets. In March 2017, the Permira Funds became the controlling shareholder of the Tricor Group, alongside management. See: www.tricorglobal.com



Sunshine Farzan
Tricor Services Limited
Group Head of Marketing & Communications
Tel: +852 2980 1261
Email: Sunshine.Farzan@hk.tricorglobal.com

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