

5th India Nuclear New Build Congress 2019

发布时间:2019-04-08 16:36

Innovate and Collaborate for India’s Nuclear Expansion

Dear  Mr. ,

Good day!

It is my greatest pleasure to welcome you to attend the 5th India Nuclear New Build Congress 2019, May. 15-16, Mumbai, India.

With strong supports of Atomic Energy Commission, Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB), Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), NPCIL, Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Limited (BHAVINI), Westinghouse, Rusatom Overseas, AREVA/EDF and etc., our 4th India Nuclear Industry Congress 2018 has been successfully held last year. India has planned to reach 22.48 GWe Nuclear Capacity by 2031 through domestic and international cooperation, which accounts for 5-6 percent of the overall energy mix. There is no doubt that opportunities are growing in Indian nuclear market. As one of our eminent event among our Nuclear Series Events (Footprints including India, UK, Turkey, Hungary, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and South Africa), we are very glad to announce that our 5th India Nuclear New Build Congress 2019 is coming back, and it will be held on May. 15-16, Mumbai, India. in 2019!

Please be advised that the full price for Gold Pass – USD 2,385 includes 1 delegate pass which enables you to join 2-day conference + all conference proceedings + electronic copies of all authorized presentations + 2 luxurious luncheons + 4 networking coffee breaks.

And now we have special offer for local companies, here I summarize the benefit for your reference, Action to catch the opportunity!




SME Ticket

May. 15th- 16th

May. 15th- 16th

May. 15th- 16th


*Two days pass

*4 coffee breaks


Two days pass

2 luxury luncheons

4 coffee breaks


Two days pass

2 luxury luncheons

4 coffee breaks

Electronic copies of all authorized presentations


USD 100

USD 200

USD 665



Reply to the email to see what opportunities are available and explore how we can highlight your organization at 5th India Nuclear Industry Congress on May 15-16, Mumbai, India.


Best Regards


VivienMiao |AtomToday – Global Nuclear Industry Conference (India, Turkey-MEA, UK, CEE) | SZ&W Group
Email: vivienm@szwgroup.com
Tel: +86 21 5830 0710 ext 8098 | Fax: +86 21 5831 1668 | Mob: +86 18521407816

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