

Offshore MENA Congress 2019

发布时间:2019-04-09 12:23

A Timely Platform to Grasp New Offshore E&P Opportunities in MENA Countries

Dear Industry Peers,

Offshore MENA Congress 2019 aims to be a timely offshore event platform for global stakeholders to grasp new growth opportunities in MENA countries, by unveiling next wave of offshore bidding plans and rounds, update new awarded projects’ progress and future engagement opportunities, discuss implementation and E&P strategies for on-going projects, showcasing innovative and digital offshore technologies, together with unlimited opportunities for international peers to network with local governors, regulators, operators, and suppliers for future cooperation

Top 5 Reasons why you can’t miss

  • The ONLY and Timeliest offshore Oil & Gas event to unveil next wave of offshore investment potentials in MENA region.
  • Country Focus: Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Cyprus, Oman, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar and more.
  • First-hand Information about engagement opportunities in MENA new and on-going offshore project.
  • Showcasing platform for innovative and digital offshore technologies.
  • Best participant profile with local authorities, NOCs, IOCs, investors, drilling contractors, EPIC Contractors, oilfield service providers, FPSO owners, OSV owners, equipment vendors, professional service providers, etc.

Conference agenda at a glance

June. 11

  • Session 1: Landscape of Offshore Potentials in MENA Countries
  • Session 2: Navigating Implementation Strategies for MENA Offshore Projects

June. 12

  • Session 3: New Offshore Projects and Opportunities in MENA
  • Session 4: Showcasing Innovative and Digital Offshore Technologies


Part of Confirmed speakers


Mohamed Chafik Djebari, Algerian Ministry of Energy

Hany Shaker Hashem, Senior Petroleum Economist, EGPC

Dr. Mohamed Hamdy Mohamed Aly Abdou, Assistant General Manager, Alexandria Petroleum Company

Dr. Sayed Meckawy, Projects General Manager, East Zeit Petroleum Co.

Dr. Ehab Eid, Geology General Manager, Tharwa Petroleum Company

Ahmed Sultan, Petrophysics Department Manager, Tharwa Petroleum Company

Dr. Tamer Badwy, International Oil and Gas Expert, Pharaonic Petroleum Company

Patrick Allman-Ward, CEO, Dana Gas

Sherine Omar, Planning & Commercial Manager, BP

Dr. Sherif Mahmoud Elsayed Aboelgheit, Assistant General Manager Procurement Division, Enppi

Ahmed Essam El-Din Omar, Founder & CEO, Talento HR Consultancy

Laury Haytayan, MENA Director, Natural Resource Governance Institute

Prof. Tharwat Hassane, Professor of Petroleum Engineering, The British University in Egypt

Dr. Ahmed Abd El Fattah, Petroleum Expert & Consultant

Gina Cohen, Consultant, Author & University Lecturer



Best Regards

Vivien Miao | OceanFuture – Global Deepwater Series Conference | SZ&W Group
Email: vivienm@szwgroup.com
Tel: +86 21 5830 0710 ext 8098 | Mob: +86 185 2140 7816

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