

Bluetooth Asia 2019 to Highlight Technology Trends in the Smart Home, Industrial Settings, and More

发布时间:2019-04-10 09:27

Industry leaders from Alibaba, Baidu, Huawei, Xiaomi to keynote and exhibit

KIRKLAND, Wash.--()--The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) will return to the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center in Shenzhen, China for Bluetooth Asia 2019 on 23-24 May. In its sixth year, Bluetooth Asia 2019 will examine the ways Bluetooth® technology is being implemented in emerging markets such as Smart Home, Smart Building, and Smart City, as well as the latest developments in wireless audio and connected devices.

The event is anticipated to attract more than 2,500 market influencers, developers, and tech-driven innovators, and provide access to over 70 manufacturers showcasing a full range of chipsets, microprocessors, modules, testing solutions, and more.

“Bluetooth Asia brings together amazing technology minds from China and beyond, who always offer a fresh, forward-thinking perspective on the scalable, reliable, secure solutions Bluetooth can enable, now and in the future,” said Ken Kolderup, Vice President of Marketing for the Bluetooth Special Interest Group. “In particular, this year’s show will deliver industry-leading guidance for developers working on cutting-edge implementations in emerging markets, like connected lighting, smart home, and smart building.”

Bluetooth Asia 2019 will offer insightful keynotes from industry leaders such as Huawei, Alibaba, Xiaomi, and Baidu, among others, as well as hands-on experiences with their latest ground-breaking Bluetooth technology. Developers can also join focused sessions to learn about the newest techniques and tools for implementing Bluetooth technology in their products, as well as a number of other practical sessions. The event also offers developers the chance to hear directly from the Bluetooth SIG about the latest updates to the Bluetooth standard or to meet with Bluetooth SIG experts on-site to answer questions.

The exhibition floor is free to attend. For more information on registering for keynote and developer sessions, visit: https://www.bluetoothasiaevent.cn.com/

Limited availability remains for exhibition space and sponsorship opportunities. If interested, contact andy.falconer@clarionevents.com.

About the Bluetooth SIG

Formed in 1998, the Bluetooth SIG is the not-for-profit trade association that oversees Bluetooth® technology. In support of more than 34,000 member companies, the Bluetooth SIG facilitates the collaboration of its members to create new and enhanced specifications that expand the technology, drives global interoperability via a world-class product qualification program, and grows the brand by increasing the awareness, understanding, and adoption of Bluetooth technology.

About Bluetooth Technology

With close to 4 billion products shipping per year, Bluetooth® technology is the global standard for simple, secure wireless connections. Since its formation in 1998, the Bluetooth community has continued to expand the capabilities of Bluetooth — powering innovation, creating new markets, and redefining communication worldwide. Today, Bluetooth is the wireless technology of choice for developers in many solution areas, including audio streaming, data transfer, location services, and large-scale device networks. To learn more, please visit: bluetooth.com.



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