

Fexco’s OpenConnect Solution Achieves Oracle Validated Integration with Oracle Payment Interface

发布时间:2019-04-18 10:10

HONG KONG--()--Fexco, a Gold level member of Oracle Partner Network (OPN), today announced it has achieved Oracle Validated Integration of its OpenConnect solution with Oracle Payment Interface (OPI 6.2) as a secure, robust, open platform that provides acquirers and merchants with Omni-channel solutions to securely accept card and alternative payment methods to an Oracle Hospitality standard. OpenConnect, already established with the cruise industry, is now available to the resort and hospitality sectors in Asia, with plans to expand into multiple verticals including the food and beverage sectors.

To achieve Oracle Validated Integration, Oracle partners are required to meet a stringent set of requirements based on the needs and priorities of customers. Through a seamless integration process, OpenConnect greatly enhances the payment solution for the end customer while simultaneously reducing the PCI compliance burden on hotel operations. All transactions received by OpenConnect are tokenized so merchant systems never see sensitive cardholder data or card numbers. This architecture simplifies the solution and streamlines operations at merchant locations for optimum cardholder and merchant experience.

OpenConnect’s Omni-channel processing and reporting capabilities offer the hotels’ finance team a real-time revenue picture. In addition, the solution comes complete with Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC); a Value Added Service that allows international credit and debit cardholders to pay in their home currency, with full visibility on the total cost of the transaction in a currency they are familiar with.

Katrina Harding, Vice President (Asia Pacific) Fexco commented,

‘I am delighted that OpenConnect has achieved Oracle Validated Integration, recognizing the security, robustness and benefits that the solution will provide to merchants and their customers. We’re excited to collaborate with Oracle Hospitality on this project and to announce the availability of Fexco’s OpenConnect solution for hospitality, making it easier for hotels to migrate from legacy Micros Payment Gateway (MPG) to the new OPI standard.’

‘Achieving Oracle Validated Integration gives our customers the confidence that the integration between Fexco’s OpenConnect solution and Oracle Payment Interface (OPI 6.2) is functionally sound and performs as tested,’ said David Hicks, vice president, Worldwide ISV, Cloud Business Development & Marketing, Oracle. ‘For solutions deployed on-premises, in the cloud, or both, Oracle Validated Integration applies a rigorous technical review and test process that helps to reduce deployment risk and improves the user experience of the partner’s integrated offering.’



Sean Pattwell

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