

BCW Expands Strategic Planning and Analytics Groups with Key New Hires

发布时间:2019-05-07 09:55

NEW YORK--()--BCW (Burson Cohn & Wolfe), a leading global communications agency, announced today that Johanna Skilling has joined the firm as Executive Vice President, Strategy and Planning, based in New York, and Jeffrey Cutler has joined as Executive Vice President, Analytics and Performance Media, based in Washington, D.C. Their hires underscore BCW’s commitment to helping clients solve tough business challenges through creative ideas informed by data and powered by technology.

“Johanna and Jeffrey are both world-class talents who are experts in mining research, data and analytics to uncover powerful and relevant insights that move client audiences with precision and impact and drive business results,” said Chris Foster, President, North America, BCW. “They are incredibly skilled at building high-performance teams and tools and have delivered powerful results for clients across every industry. I am delighted to have them on our BCW team.”

Skilling, who leads BCW’s North America strategic planning team across all practices, is an award-winning career strategist who has built and led strategic planning departments across agencies within WPP, Havas, and Publicis Groupe. Her client engagements have spanned a wide range of industries, including beauty, consumer packaged goods, finance, healthcare, over-the-counter health, technology and telecommunications.

Skilling has spoken at numerous industry conferences, most recently at SXSW on “Engineering Empathy” and the United Nations, where she led a panel at the annual Economics and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum. She is an Adjunct Professor at New York University’s School of Professional Studies, teaching the graduate-level and professional courses in brand-building and strategic planning. She is listed in "50 Business Profs to Follow on Twitter" and "Top 100 Marketing Professors on Twitter" (SMM Magazine). She serves on the board of the Pvblic Foundation, whose mission is to connect brands and businesses to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, and she received a 2016 Leadership Award at the UN in recognition of her contributions.

Cutler spent five and a half years in senior roles at various Daniel J. Edelman (DJE) companies. For the past three years, he was Executive Vice President, Performance Marketing and Head of Analytics at Zeno Group. He built Zeno’s Performance Marketing and Analytics Practice and led a team of programmers responsible for building proprietary data applications. In addition to his efforts in the U.S., Cutler also oversaw a variety of global assignments spanning from communications, analytics and digital consultancy engagements.

Before that, Cutler served as Senior Vice President, Insights and Analytics at Edelman Intelligence. During his time at Edelman Intelligence, Cutler spearheaded efforts to evolve service offerings that united the best in primary and secondary research as well as digital analytics. Cutler started his tenure at DJE serving as Senior Vice President, Digital Strategy with United Entertainment Group (UEG), where he built and directed all facets of UEG’s digital team, including new business, client strategy, implementation, analytics, finance and staffing. Earlier in his career, he was with Team Epic, USA Network, fama PR and Going.com.

About BCW

BCW (Burson Cohn & Wolfe), one of the world’s largest full-service global communications agencies, is in the business of moving people on behalf of clients. Founded by the merger of Burson-Marsteller and Cohn & Wolfe, BCW delivers digitally and data-driven creative content and integrated communications programs grounded in earned media and scaled across all channels for clients in the B2B, consumer, corporate, crisis management, CSR, healthcare, public affairs and technology sectors. BCW is a part of WPP (NYSE: WPP), a creative transformation company. For more information, visit www.bcw-global.com.



Media: Catherine Sullivan
Phone: 212.601.3205
Email: Catherine.Sullivan@bcw-global.com

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