

Twenty-Five Year Political Veteran Sam Myers, Jr. Named President of Direct Impact

发布时间:2019-09-25 09:31

NEW YORK--()--BCW (Burson Cohn & Wolfe), a leading global communications agency, today announced that Sam Myers, Jr., has been named President of Direct Impact (DI), the nation's leading grassroots campaign firm and member of BCW Group. Myers is based in Washington, D.C., and is charged with building DI’s industry-leading work in developing local market campaigns that drive communities to take action around various public affairs, public education and corporate reputation issues.

“I am thrilled that Sam will be leading DI,” said Chris Foster, President of BCW North America. “His more than two decades of political campaign experience and having served at the highest levels of government will be invaluable to clients that are navigating increasingly complex communications and legislative environments.”

Myers has served in two presidential administrations and worked on six presidential campaigns. From 2009 to 2017 he served in the Obama administration, in multiple leadership roles. For the U.S. Department of Education, his efforts in the Office of the Secretary and as head of Office of the White House Liaison helped put in place policies that supported narrowing the skills gap, job creation, healthy eating in schools and America’s College Promise.

Myers also spearheaded change management and communication for Department of Commerce’s move to a department-wide, enterprise services model. For the White House, he led delegations to the Vatican, UN General Assembly and Aspen Ideas Festival. In the Clinton administration, he served as an advance staffer for President Clinton and as a Defense Fellow at the U.S. Department of Defense.

Upon leaving the public sector in 2017, Myers transitioned to Brooklyn-based Huge, Inc., working in a series of roles, most recently Vice President for Partnerships and Development, where he developed thought leadership platforms around autonomous vehicles, aerospace, maternal health and the future of work; created partnerships at SXSW, CES and Cannes, among others; and drove strategic growth for Huge’s Washington, D.C. office and global business. He then served as a Senior Vice President for San Francisco-based The OutCast Agency, charged with expanding the agency’s Washington, D.C. presence.

“Across my 25 years in campaigns, politics and public affairs, the one constant I have seen is how powerful it is when companies and organizations connect with people on their own turf about the issues they care about the most,” said Myers. “I have watched and marveled at the extraordinary work DI has done in this area and I jumped at the chance to lead this great team.”

Myers’ campaign experience includes working on Hillary for America 2016; Obama for America; John Edwards for President 2008; Kerry Edwards 2004; Gore/Lieberman 2000; Clinton/Gore 1996 and founding DC based Myers Strategies in 2004, focused on effective messaging through national grass roots events.

About Direct Impact

Founded in 1988, Direct Impact (DI) is a wholly owned subsidiary of BCW and a member of the WPP family. DI is a premier grassroots communications firm, specializing in public affairs, public education and corporate reputation campaigns. DI provides a complete range of services essential to conducting successful localized campaigns, focusing on legislative battles as well as corporate branding challenges across the country. DI has led winning, community-driven campaigns for more than half of the Fortune 50, as well as major trade associations and coalitions.


Media: Catherine Sullivan
Phone: 212.601.3205
Email: Catherine.Sullivan@bcw-global.com

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