

Kioxia Officially Begins Operations

发布时间:2019-10-08 08:11

Kioxia will lead the industry into a new era of memory with a new mission and brand identity


Kioxia Holdings Corporation, formerly Toshiba Memory Holdings Corporation, today announced that it is officially operating under its new corporate identity, effective immediately.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20191001005522/en/

“Kioxia’s official brand launch is an important step in both our evolution as an independent company and our commitment to lead the industry into the new era of memory,” said Stacy J. Smith, executive chairman of Kioxia Holdings Corporation. “The company will build on its history as a world leader in memory solutions to not only meet the memory demands of the future, but to also fulfill our mission to uplift the world with memory.”

With its official launch, Kioxia has unveiled its new corporate logo and brand identity.

The silver of Kioxia’s new logo will be the company’s official corporate color, meant to represent the superior quality of its memory technology. In addition to silver, the company will have communication colors including, light blue, magenta, light green, orange, yellow and light gray.

“Our full brand color palette of bright, vibrant colors represents Kioxia’s fun, future-driven culture, and passion for using memory to create new experiences and a colorful future for the world,” said Naohisa Sano, Chief Marketing Officer of Kioxia Corporation. “Our new corporate logo and brand identity better reflect Kioxia’s mission and vision to uplift the world with memory, using technological innovation to create new value for society.”

To commemorate the new brand, Kioxia will launch its “#FutureMemories” brand campaign, a project designed to create never-before-seen experiences that embody the company’s commitment to creating new value and changing the world by pursuing the potential of memory. The first phase of the project will be “TEZUKA2020,” a tribute to legendary manga artist, Osamu Tezuka. Using high-speed, large capacity flash memory and AI technology, the company will redraw the memorable work of Osamu Tezuka – marking the first time his work will have been re-created in 30 years. Launching in February 2020, the TEZUKA2020 phase of Kioxia’s #FutureMemories initiative is just one example of how the company is uplifting the world with memory.

The company’s new corporate logo and colors are now live on Kioxia’s official websites, product labels and other channels: www.kioxia-holdings.com. Consumer retail products, such as solid state drives, SD cards and USB flash memory, will continue to be released under the Toshiba Memory brand name through 2019, and will be released under the Kioxia brand starting in 2020.

About Kioxia

Kioxia is a world leader in memory solutions, dedicated to the development, production and sale of flash memory and solid state drives (SSDs). In April 2017, its predecessor Toshiba Memory was spun off from Toshiba Corporation, the company that invented NAND flash memory in 1987. The company pioneers cutting-edge memory solutions and services that enrich people's lives and expand society's horizons. Kioxia's innovative 3D flash memory technology, BiCS FLASH™, is shaping the future of storage in high-density applications, including advanced smartphones, PCs, SSDs, automotive and data centers.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20191001005522/en/


For more information
Sam Ghirardello (phone: +81-3-5427-7396, SGhirardello@webershandwick.com)
Satoshi Ito (phone: +81-3-5427-7309, SIto@webershandwick.com)
Weber Shandwick (Tokyo)

Natalie Telson (ntelson@webershandwick.com)
Weber Shandwick (New York)

Public Relations & Investors Relations
Kioxia Holdings Corporation


Kioxia's Communication Colours

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