

The Activity of Seeking and Selecting My Favorite Yunnan Tourist Scenic Areas was Closed

发布时间:2019-10-10 10:30


On September 25, the activity of seeking and selecting My Favorite Yunnan Tourist Scenic Areas and Colorful Yunnan Tourism Image Ambassador was closed, with 20 My Favorite Yunnan Tourist Scenic Areas and 1,000 Colorful Yunnan Tourism Image Ambassadors being selected.

The activity had attracted nearly 320,000 people of all ages from every part of China. The online voting was ongoing for one month, and more than 1.9 million votes had been collected for the selection of My Favorite Yunnan Tourist Scenic Areas.

The offline activities were also colorful and varied. From August 20 to 30, a flash show of folk arts was staged at Kunming Changshui International Airport, Kunming Railway Station and the High-speed Railway South Station respectively, and a booth for the activity was set up at the terminal of Kunming Changshui International Airport.

Despite of the closure of the activity, the experience tour of Yunnan is still underway. You are welcomed to visit the tourist spots in Yunnan, and our ambassadors are waiting for your arrival.

The following scenic spots were selected as My Favorite Yunnan Tourist Scenic Areas in 2019:

Colorful Yunnan·Ancient Yunnan Famous Towns Tourist Resort

Lijiang Jade Dragon Snow Mountain Scenic Area

Kunming Stone Forest Scenic Area

Lijiang Ancient Town Scenic Area

Dali Three Pagodas of Chong Sheng Temple Cultural Tourism Area

Sunac Xishuangbanna Tourist Resort

Fairyland Eight-treasure International Pastorale Tourism & Leisure Resort

Lijiang Yushui Village Scenic Area

Xishuangbanna Primitive Forest Park Co., Ltd.

Lijiang Lugu Lake

Qujing Kylin Water Area

Tengchong Yunfeng Mountain Scenic Area

Xundian Fenglongwan Town (Fenglongwan International Tourist Resort)

China Pu’er Tea Exposition Garden

Chuxiong Yunmou Man Museum

Longling County Banglazhang Hot Spring Health Maintenance Resort

Tengchong Terrestrial Heat Tourism Resort

Xishuangbanna Mengle Giant Buddhist Temple Scenic Area

Tengchong Heshun Ancient Town

Xishuangbanna Wild Elephant Scenic Area


View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20191009005814/en/



Ricy Han
+86 871-67200179

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