

Board International’s Rapid Growth Continues in 2019

发布时间:2020-02-19 09:52

The leading decision-making platform vendor announces 11th consecutive year of 20%+ Revenue growth

CHIASSO, Switzerland & BOSTON--()--Board International has recorded total worldwide revenue of CHF 80.8 million (USD 83.2 million) in 2019, a 20% increase from the previous year. Cloud and Rental Annual Recurring Revenue (“ARR”) rose by 78%, bolstered by the release of Board 11, a revolutionary new version of the company’s flagship decision-making platform.

Board has also recorded 9% growth in its in-house professional services activities, which are focused on implementing and supporting digital transformation projects in planning, analysis, and forecasting.

“In the last decade Board International has seen extensive levels of growth and I am delighted to report that this trend has continued in 2019. I believe this ongoing success proves that our commitment to transforming organizational decision-making is having a profound impact on the market,” commented Giovanni Grossi, CEO and Co-Founder of Board International.

2019 saw the addition of several global brands to Board’s expanding customer base, including Nestlé, Pepsi Bottling Ventures, BASF, Sony, Marks & Spencer, CNH Industrial, and Decathlon. Each of these organizations selected Board to improve their decision-making processes by leveraging the platform’s unified Business Intelligence, Simulation, Planning, and Predictive Analytics capabilities.

Board International is part of leading private equity investor Nordic Capital’s portfolio of companies.

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About Board

Board is the #1 decision-making platform. Founded in 1994, Board enables people to have a transformative impact on their business, helping them to intuitively play and create with data in a flexible, all-in-one decision-making platform. By unifying Business Intelligence, Corporate Performance Management, and Predictive Analytics, the Board platform allows companies to produce a single, accurate, and complete view of business information, gain actionable insights, and achieve full control of performance across the entire organization. Thanks to Board, global enterprises such as Coca-Cola, Ricoh, KPMG, Puma, Siemens, and ZF Group have deployed end-to end decision-making applications at a fraction of the time and cost associated with traditional solutions. www.board.com


Andrea Alfieri
Head of Strategic Marketing

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