

GSMA Announces Winners of the 2020 GLOMO Awards

发布时间:2020-02-26 10:27


The GSMA today announced winners of the 2020 Global Mobile (GLOMO) Awards. The GLOMOs showcase those companies and individuals that are driving innovation in the rapidly evolving mobile industry.

“Our congratulations to all of the winners and nominees of the GSMA’s GLOMO Awards 2020,” said John Hoffman, CEO, GSMA Ltd. “The GLOMOs are a testament to the incredible innovation and ingenuity shaping our industry and it is truly an outstanding achievement to have been selected by our esteemed judging panels. We thank all of our entrants, judges, sponsors and partners for supporting the 2020 GLOMOs.”

The winners of the 2020 GLOMO Awards are:

Best Mobile Network Infrastructure
Vodafone, Parallel Wireless and Telecom Infra Project for Global OpenRAN Deployments

Best Mobile Technology Breakthrough (Companies > $10million Annual Global Revenue)
Ericsson for Ericsson Spectrum Sharing (ESS)

Best Mobile Technology Breakthrough (Companies < $10million Annual Global Revenue)
KaiOS for KaiOS, Enable Tomorrow

Best Network Software Breakthrough (Companies > $10million Annual Global Revenue)
Parallel Wireless for OpenRAN Controller and Network Software

Best Network Software Breakthrough (Companies < $10million Annual Global Revenue)
Cohere Technologies for Improved 4G and 5G FDD/TDD Networks

Best Mobile Authentication & Security Solution
Nuance Communications Inc. for Nuance Gatekeeper

5G Leadership Award
Huawei for Gear up with Huawei’s E2E 5G Products

5G Industry Partnership Award
China Unicom, BMW & Huawei for 5G Digital Factory Enable Automobile Manufacturing Digital Transformation

Outstanding Mobile Technology Award
Ericsson for Ericsson Spectrum Sharing (ESS)

Best Mobile Operator Service for Consumers
Vimplecom for Beeline & Liza Alert

Best Mobile service for the Connected Life
CalAmp for Here Comes The Bus

Most Innovative Mobile App
Turkcell for BiP Translate

Best Mobile Innovation for Work
China Eastern Airlines, China Unicom & Huawei for 5G Smart Travel in Airport

Best Mobile Innovation for Health and Biotech
Flare for World-Class Emergency Response Technologies

Best Mobile Innovation for Automotive
SK Telecom for Smart Fleet: Data Analytics Platform for Intelligent Mobility

Best Mobile Innovation for Payment and FinTech
Juvo for Financial Identity as a Service (FiDaaS)

Best Mobile Innovation for Smart Cities
China Mobile Group Zhejiang and Huawei for NB-IoT Smart City Fire Control

Best Mobile Innovation for Media and Entertainment
LG Uplus for U+VR 5G

Best Mobile Innovation for Building Trust in the Digital Age
Samsung Electronics for Knox Security Platform

Tech of the Future Award
Huawei for Atlas 900 AI Cluster - The Pinnacle of AI Compute for Future Inclusion

Best Smartphone
OnePlus for OnePlus 7T Pro

Disruptive Device Innovation Award
Qualcomm for Qualcomm Snapdragon X55 5G modem

Best Connected Consumer Device
Vasco Electronics for Vasco Mini2

Best Mobile Innovation for Emerging Markets
Safaricom for DigiFarm

Best Mobile Innovation supporting Emergency or Humanitarian Situations
MapSwipe for Missing Maps

Best Mobile Innovation for Accessibility & Inclusion
SK Telecom for Driving Assistance Solution for Hearing-Impaired Taxi Driver

Best Mobile Innovation for Climate Action
Huawei for Huawei PowerStar™ Solution, 3-Level AI-Based Energy Saving solution

Best Mobile Initiative for Enhancing Children’s Lives
Accenture for SAATHI – Autism Therapy at your Fingertips

Outstanding Mobile Contribution to the UN SDGs
KT for Global Epidemic Prevention Platform

Government Leadership Award
The Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Outstanding Contribution to the Mobile Industry

Women4Technology – Industry Leadership Award
Elena Sinel, Founder for Teens In AI

Diversity in Tech Award
Teens In AI for Teens In AI

25 Years of Connecting People Award
Dr Mike Short - A constant champion of the role of mobile technology for the enhancement of society

YoMo STEAM Activity for Children Award
SK Telecom for Happy Coding School for Adolescents with Special Needs

For further information on GLOMO Awards winners please visit https://www.globalmobileawards.com/


About the GSMA
The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide, uniting more than 750 operators and nearly 400 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset and device makers, software companies, equipment providers and internet companies, as well as organisations in adjacent industry sectors. The GSMA also produces the industry-leading MWC events held annually in Barcelona, Los Angeles and Shanghai, as well as the Mobile 360 Series of regional conferences.

For more information, please visit the GSMA corporate website at www.gsma.com. Follow the GSMA on Twitter: @GSMA.

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200225005494/en/


Media Contacts:
For the GSMA
Isobel Moseley
GSMA Press Office

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